advice to finish my rig please?

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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2007
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hey there, over the last few years i`ve been biulding up a rack and adding a piece here and there when i could afford it, so was hoping for some advice from u guys, heres what i have in it so far from bottom to top -

2 2u rackdrawers
marshall 80/80 power amp (backup amp)
mesa fifty/fifty
marshall jmp 1
decimator prorack G
rack shelf with super chorus pedal and delay pedal

i`m only really learning bout rack gear to be honest and am really liking it! i need some way to switch my pedals and control everything so i`m thinking of ordering a GCX Guitar Audio Switcher and ground control pro which seems to be what i`m looking for, anyone recomend them?
also i think i need a better way to power everything up so need some advice on what to get, i see people mentioning furman power conditioners but i hav`nt a clue bout them!any other ideas are welcome,

thanks for any help and advice! :)
With only 2 pedals the GCX might be over kill. Take a look at and the GRX4. The FX1 is the best midi pedal on the market hands down - it's also expense. You can mix and match, find a used Ground Control Pro and a GRX4 and you'll be in business.
+1 on the GRX4.
I have had a couple GCX's and sold them...
I now have two GRX4's and wouldn't part with 'em for anything.
Great units.
I use a Ground Control Pro with a GRX4 and it works beautifully. I run a couple OD pedals before my preamp that can be switched on/off thru midi and then I use the last loop on the GRX to control the channel switching on my Studio Pre.

Here is my rig schematic:

The Ground Control Pro is really really easy to use however the FX1 is truely the best one available (3 times the price though). The GCX is very transparent and built well so if you can find one on ebay for cheap or something definitely get it. I haven't used the Axess GRX4 but I'm sure it's phenom. The GCX will allow for more expansion though. Good work on the ISP by the way. I just modded mine with 3 ground lift switches on CH1 out / CH2 in / CH2 out which will help out for future gear changes as I found I ran into tons of ground loop issues before.

As for power conditioning / voltage regulating, tonally I personally haven't heard any differences from using $1.99 power bars to my highend power conditioners and/or voltage regulators. It's always good to be safe with spike protection though... just don't expect your tone to change at all. Basically, get something within your budget.