About to retube the Mark IV, Questions...

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Nov 24, 2006
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I have yet to retube the Mark IV since buying it a couple months ago. I came with a compliment of 5 GT preamp tubes and 4 GT power tubes.

Here is my question for those of you who might know. The Mark IV has the option of running 2 EL34 in the outer sockets and 2 6L6GC in the inner. Most of the amps I have owned in my life have used 6L6 tubes, except the Legacy, which I had EL34's in, and my Nomad which runs EL84s.

Right now, I am running all 6L6 in the power section. If I were to put a pair of EL34s in the outer sockets and they ran simultaneously with the 6L6s, what tonal change might I expect? If you say "more British" what would you mean?

I am looking to get a little meaner Rhy2 and Lead sounds. However, I still need shimmering cleans. Ill likely order a high gain JJ kit from Bob at Eurotubes, and Ill probably get a matched quad of 6L6GC and a pair of EL34Ls so that i have options... but I would like to hear some experienced opinions. this is my 5th Mark IV nad in the past I never really retubed the amp myself, had a guy who would do it and i never even paid attention to what tubes were in it, never cared as long as it sounded good. Like i said, I want a bit more meaty high gain, some more teeth in the bite....
Try the old 420's if you can find some. Those things sound great in my Mark IV. I wouldn't say that they are meaty and that you will probably want to go with something beefier of a 6L6 for that though the 420's get enough beef for me.
I'm going to retube my Mark IV very soon and I'm going with the House of Metal from Dougs Tubes. I've read nothing but good stuff in dealing with Doug. He is very prompt to answer your email with any questions you might have.
Talking about preamp tubes, JJ's will give you more bite and a more aggresive tone for sure, but if you want a meaner and fuller tone I'd suggest going with Tung Sol's.
I have been running the EL34’s and 6L6’s for a while now it is so far my favorite configuration on the Mark IV however!
R1 will darken up a bit but if I want it to sparkle, kick it the bright switch. It is also more prone to breakup if you are saying: playing some funk where you are hitting hard so you would find yourself backing off on the gain. I guess the best way to put it in words its more like a Marshall clean as compared to a Fender type clean. (I don’t find this compromising just different)
R2 allot more meat on the channel! You will find yourself backing off on the gain and kick in that 5 band EQ really super focused this is the primary reason I run this tube configuration. (Kinda Marshall like but more focused)
R3 is the channel that is affected the least IMHO (which I’m glad) you will defiantly be rolling back the drives. And adding some high end and/or backing off on the low end.

The EL34’s and 6L6’s are my favorites for playing out I find them the most versatile for “what I do”
However in a recording environment I always have a separate set of (4) 6l6’s

One set is not better than the other just different.

Russ said:
Try the old 420's if you can find some. Those things sound great in my Mark IV. I wouldn't say that they are meaty and that you will probably want to go with something beefier of a 6L6 for that though the 420's get enough beef for me.

I agree with Russ I like the 420’s also very harmonically rich.