A good amp for a Stratocaster under $800?

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Well-known member
May 18, 2005
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My buddy just picked up a stratocaster and is looking for something around $800. He came to me for advice, and while I have some ideas, strats are not in my bag of tricks.

He's looking for a stellar clean channel, and a warm, thick overdrive. No high gain, although if the amp can handle it while doing the others well it'll be a plus.

I was thinking of amps in the line of Heartbreaker, Blue Angel, Maverick, F-Series, Nomad, DC series...Though I'm not entirely familiar with these. Which would be best for the tone he's after? A Lonestar would be best I feel, but I don't think I can find one for <$800.

He's open to any brand, not just Mesa.

Maybe a used Express 5:50. The tones are there. I think the price is, too.
+1 on the Express suggestion.
A Blue Angel fits the bill, if he is open to a one channel amp. Really nice tones for a strat, but not as much flexibility, especially if you play both rhythm and lead in a band type setting.

The Maverick may not have enough crystal clean headroom for a strat if he really likes pristine cleans.

I am partial to Hearbreakers. really flexible, can do all those things, and with the option of EL34's or 6L6's, there is a lot of room to shape tone to suit. I have had some pro engineers tell me the heartbreaker with my Anderson strat has "that mojo!".
Honestly, my blue strip Mark III had the best clean Strat tones I've heard. The gain can be tamed on channel 3 to suit his needs.
A Heartbreaker with 6V6's sounds absolutely stellar with a Strat!
My Strat that I had when I was using the 6V6's had Lace Hot Golds in it and I really loved the combination.

Now I play my Mexican Strat (with LoneStar pickgaurd 2 Texas Specials & a Pearly Gates Plus) through my HB with EL-34's and all I can say is "Holy Crap!"

I think the Maverick sounds phenomenal with a Strat too, but there is not as much clean headroom so the cleans end up sounding a little bluesy at higher volumes. The tones are definitely there though!

I've had both Lonestars and think my Maverick kills them both! I think the LS's are more Fender sounding, but the lead channel is terrible for what I do and the reverb delay when channel switching and the fact that you can't do the 30 or 100 watt option with a tube rectifier (Recto-Tracking) just pisses me off. Not really acceptable for the money.

Haven't tried an Express, but have never heard a bad thing about them.

If it were me:
Maverick for bluesy tones and great classic rock tones.
Heartbreaker for louder tones in the bluesy & classic rock areas.
Mark III or DC for more rock and heavier tones. A DC-3 sounds phenomenal with a Strat!
bpm91 said:
Honestly, my blue strip Mark III had the best clean Strat tones I've heard. The gain can be tamed on channel 3 to suit his needs.

I second this! I have an early 80's American Strat that loves my blue stripe Mark III... can dial in any tone from clean to '70's style OD to high gain.
We've got my C+ and a Mark4 we can tinker with before spending the cash.

What settings do you guys suggest for a Strat?
Heartbreaker, maverick, or early mark series (1-3). Maybe even a tremoverb.

I think the f series, the express, and the later marks might be a little too modern for his purposes. The dc series could possibly work so long as the model is voiced similar to the early marks. I think the blue angel might not have the type of features your friend wants (single channel).

I'd also tell your friend to consider adding about 400 bucks to the price window so he might be able to look at the current production stuff on the used market. Just a thought. There are deals to be had on amps that excell at your friends requirements in all sorts of highly adjustable ways (channel assignable wattage etc).
My Fender SCXD has great cleans and decent overdrives (modeling so several to select from) with 6V6 in power section.

Those are **** cheap so pretty good band for the buck.

Otherwise, my Rivera S120 is hardcore for $800 used but the cleans aren't that great compared to a Fender or Roland JC120.

Mesas are overrated and overpriced (new) but their customer service is better than avg...
I played my Maverick the other day for an hour with my Strat, it was pure bliss!

I played the Heartbreaker last night with my Strat for an hour and it was even better!

Rabies is right, new they are spendy. But.....used, they are a great deal!