A and B volume difference on Triaxis

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2006
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Hey everyone. For some reason the A volume is a little bit lower on my triaxis than the B volume. I have to set the A to 3.5 and the B to 3 to have them match up. Does this happen to anyone else?
Haven't noticed it on mine but you can try buying a balanced 12ax7 tube for the V5 position. This may very well solve the issue for you .In a 12ax7 tube, there are two triodes. With the triaxis's v5 tube , one triode feeds the A output and the other triode feeds the B output. So by using a balanced tube in the V5 socket, you get an even output . If it isn't the tube, it's possible that there is a tolerance issue between the two output pots.

You could put a multimeter on each pot and test it to see if the resistance is the same .
sounds complex lol. What would be a good balanced? tube to get for v5?
is that a big deal? I always run stereo and set volume by my ears. i couldn't tell you if mine matched up or not.