6L6's in 3 Ch. DR.... Which ones???

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
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San Benito, Texas
Hey guys, im going to change the tubes in my DR head with either 6L6S Groove Tubes, 6L6GE Grove Tubes or E34L Groove Tubes. Im looking for a tube that will enhance the clean channel on my head as far as headroom (more) and clarity. However, I don't want to sacrifice any of the MESA drive characteristics to achieve a better clean tone. Which ones do you guys think would be better, or which ones have you guys had experiences with? Thanks
Everyone I've talked to at mesa say that the tubes they use are "Groove tubes". But the only other tubes i have used in my RKII is electro harmonix tubes and i hated them, i went back to the mesa tubes. Im one happy camper.
I've been reading some posts on here in the tube section and as of right now imkind of leaning towards the GE6L6's from Groove Tube. But, I'm still not quite sure about it. The power that the 6L6S tubes aare being described as is very tempting. :?
As far as "Clean Headroom" goes, the 6L6 would be the route to go. The EL34L is a pretty good sounding tube, but depending on what kind of clean sound your after (I am assuming super squeaky clean at high volume.) Go with the 6L6.
6L6GE is a great tube. Maybe something to consider is the GT 6L6C-HP. Supposedly a high-performance design that is very bold, linear, and high-headroom. Looks good on paper but I have never heard them myself. Either way get them in a #6 rating for proper bias in Mesa amps...4,5,6,and in some cases 7 is "Mesa spec", but according to GT's website the #6 operates closest to the ideal bias in Mesa amps.
well... I went ahead a purchased a quad of Groove Tube 6L6GE tubes with a number 6 rating. The store I bought them at didn't have the CHP tubes so I went with these. I also bought a 12AX7M, a 12AX7C and a ECC83 all Groove Tubes also. I'm gonna swap between the 3 preamps in the V1 position to see which tone I like best. I'll give you the results once I fire up the amp and play the gig tomorrow.
Well... disaster struck. I plugged in the 6L6GE's and one of them was bad!!!!! It was making the amp crackle and hiss in the clean channel even at low volumes. I tapped all the tubes while the amp was on and all were quiet except one. When I would tap it the crackle and hiss was even worse. So..... I put the stock Mesa tubes back in and fired up the amp and the problem was gone. So just for good measure i put the GE's back in but no luck; the crackle and hiss were still there. So, i'm taking them back to the store and I think im gonna go with the 6L6S tubes they have. It's a JJ 6L6 with a #4 rating. I've read that this is a powerful type tube so would the number 4 rating be ok for ample headroom and such????
I really like the Ruby 6L6/Mesa STR440 and the Winged C SED 6L6. I never cared much for the JJ, Sovtek, or EH 6L6.
Well... I took back the 6L6GE's and stupid me decided to go with some EL34M's the had there from Groove Tube. To make a long story short.... THEY ABSOLUTELY SUCKED!!!!!!! :x Right before te gigged started I switched the tubes out again with some Sylvania EL34's from one of my friends Marshall DSL heads that I brought along just incase and to my surprise the Sylvania tubes sounded QUITE GOOD!!!!! The lowend was reduced but not by much at all and the midrange was VERY NICE!!!!! SO... the EL34M's are going back to the store tomorrow and im thinkinh of just getting my money back entirely and perhaps looking into an intergrated quad from Eurotubes. Have any of you guys had experience with this in a Dual or Triple Rectifier???? If I do go with an intergrated quad it'll be 6L6 and E34L's. What do you guys think?????
i called the store where I got the tubes today and as a final attempt I told them to hold the Groove Tube 6L6S's they have for me. Its a JJ 6L6GC tubes with a #4 rating. If these don't work then it's off to Eurotubes for an intergrated quad!!!!!! You know what they say....." Third times a CHARM!!!!" :)

IMHO JJ 6L6's & EL34's are over-rated. I tried the Intergrated Sextet in my Triple, it sounded great at first, until an EL-34 red plated and the fuse blew (the only time btw). Bob just could not get 6L6's and EL34 to bias up the same in my amp. Here is a review I did, it's a long read but it describes the entire attempt at the "Intergrated" setup.

Intergrated Sextet Review

Don't get me wrong, Bob is a stand-up guy who stayed in constant contact with me throughout this ordeal and never left me hanging. He did everything he could to get me up and running.

I hear the KT-77 is a nice mix of 6L6 & EL34 tones, you may want to look into that as well.

try a JJ e34L (el34) it's tight and sweet with a good head room.. as for 6L6 the mesa STR 420's or 415's are really good in dual's..
I'm looking into some 6L6 tubes from thetubestore.com. Right now it's between the SED Winged C and the TAD (Tube Amp Doctor) 6L6GC-STR. I know a bunch of people here like the SED 6L6's but have any of you guys had any experience with the TAD 6L6's????


Yes, they are German designed and Chinese made tube that sound a little smoother than the Sovtec, a little less fizz, great bottom end. The only thing bad I would say is that the Chinese factory's are some times hit and miss with reliability. Nothing to worry about if you swap tubes out every year and you don't go crazy and bias them up to the max. Personally I love the sound of the JJ EL34L in my Rec. I like the JJ6L6, and I think they are a little darker sounding than most 6L6 on the market. As far a putting new tubes in your amp, Sometimes new tubes can sound harsh and grainy until you get about 20 or thirty hours on them. Just one of the many quirks of owning a tube amp.
If I try out my head with two power tubes pulled out i know it would run at 50 watts. Would this just reduce overall volume or would it affect headroom also? I think im gonna go with some SED Winged C 6L6's after all. But the 50 watt thing has caught my attention now.
It affects headroom more than volume. Cutting the power in half only reduces output by 3 dB (amp will still be **** loud) but gives power-tube distortion at lower volumes...exactly the opposite of clean headroom.

If you decide to try it, be aware that along with pulling two 6L6s, you also need to remove one of the rectifier tubes (even if you're running in silicon diode) and hook your 8-Ohm speaker cab to the 4-Ohm tap on the amp to correct the impedance mismatch caused by running only 2 power tubes into an output transformer that was designed for 4.

IMO not worth the trouble, then again that's not the kind of tone I'm looking for in a Recto. Some (many actually) swear by this method so let your ears decide.
Less headroom is EXACTLY WHAT I DON'T WANT!!!!!!!! Scratch this idea then. I'll let you guys know how the SED's sound once I order them and get them in.
I tried the JJ 6L6's in my Rec. as well as the E34L's (W/and without the GZ34's) and My amp just never sounded stable with them. The GZ34's actually blew the fuse. (that had NEVER happened before and hasnt again after I took them out) The tone just seemed to drift all the time. too many highs one minute and then to boomy the next.

The best luck I have had is just buying the stock Boogie branded tubes and playing it. Mine are color coded yellow and I get plenty of headroom and I believe on the GT scale that makes them a hardness #4.

An old man gave me some great advice... " they build them like that for a reason you know? - Aint like the guy who designed them dont know what hes doing"

I have been really happy with the stock Boogie branded tubes in there.

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