5U4 Tube Question for RK2 Users

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Ken in NC

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
Here's probably a linkage question for you RK guys...

I have a RK2 and I am running channel 3 with 2 6L6 + 2 EL34 and toggled the Rectifier Select to use DIODE. Yet, when the channel is selected, the LED's on the front of the amp distinctly show that the Diode and 5U4's are running together. Why is this?

Is this because I am running different Power Tube combinations? Just curious.

Also, if this is the case, I am thinking of switching the 5U4 tubes for GZ34 to get a tigther bottom. Will this help? Secondly, will I have to worry about biasing or can I simply plug-n-chug with the GZ34's (from eurotube).

Thanks guys
No biasing! Just pull out the old ones, and put in the GZs!

Amazing tubes! They did amazing things for my DR!
what did they do ? Also I read if you go to a higher voltage rectifer tube it can wear out your caps fast oppose to the otehr way. So going from a 5U4 to a 5AR4/GZ34 would be higher. What or how did you find it was okay ?
vibeman said:
what did they do ? Also I read if you go to a higher voltage rectifer tube it can wear out your caps fast oppose to the otehr way. So going from a 5U4 to a 5AR4/GZ34 would be higher. What or how did you find it was okay ?

It's ok because the amp uses Silicon Diode Rectifiers, which can handle higher voltage than a 5AR4/GZ34 tube rectifier. You're all set as far as that is concerned.

Thanks so much for the feedback on the GZ34's. I just ordered some and am looking forward to putting them in but -

Can anyone explain mny original point about why the 5U4 and Diode light are lit when selecting Diode Rectification?

Thanks so much
Ken in NC said:
Can anyone explain mny original point about why the 5U4 and Diode light are lit when selecting Diode Rectification?Thanks so much

Because it's not allowing you to employ Silicon Diodes when selecting EL34 Power tubes! It's recommended not to use the Silicon Diodes when in EL34 mode! I'd bet the amp is remaining in Tube Rectifier mode when EL34's are in use!
Or -

Using the diode for the 6L6's and using the rect tube for the EL34.

If that is the case the GZ34's WILL make a big difference in tone when using this power linkage.
Could be! And again, don't get too carried away with these Rectifier tubes! They're not as tone altering as they are to the feel of the amplifier!
jbird said:
Could be! And again, don't get too carried away with these Rectifier tubes! They're not as tone altering as they are to the feel of the amplifier!

The tone of the amp has always been awesome--its always been the feel that Ive attempted to change-- So if thats the case--Im glad Im looking @ going to them--! c:wink:
I'm not looking to have the new tube change the tone. Just tighten up the bottom end so they more closely resemble the DIODE setting. Apparently, these tube will help get out some of the flabbiness without changing the tone. 8)