5 Months wait & then this!! Anuone got the MB e mail add

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New member
Jan 27, 2007
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I am writing to express my total frustration and disgust at your inability sort out the problems with a new Road King Series 2 Head.

I received the head (and matching cab) 3 weeks ago and after a couple of days testing at home, reading the manual repeatedly and long telephone conversations with the guys at Westside concluded that effects loop 1 was faulty. It was duly dispatched back to Westside via the retailer within a couple of days.

It was sent back to the retailer (Wembley Guitar Centre) from Westside who contacted me on Wednesday 27 June to say it was back but that there was no engineers report as to the fault/test results. I specifically ask that they did not unpack the amp as the last time they forgot to repack the speaker cover into the box.

I telephoned Westside to understand what the engineer had found and, when I was told that nothing was wrong with the amp, apologised profusely for wasting everyone’s time.

I picked the amp up on Thursday 28th June and was uneasy to find that the box was open when I arrived at the retailer.

I unpacked and tested the amp today (28th) and am totally dismayed at what I found.

Firstly, one side of the amp (left side when looking at front) is scuffed and damaged and I am not prepared to accept this as a new product. All of my equipment is in pristine condition even though some of it has been used for over 10 years. I’m certainly not prepared to accept this amp in this condition. It hasn’t been damaged in transit as the ends are incredibly well protected. I believe it most likely to be damage caused by rough handling by the engineer who tested the amp or possibly the retailer if their lads were allowed to try the amp out in the shop.

Secondly, when removing the valve covers I noticed that one of the fittings for an EL34 was coming away from the chassis. As far as I can tell the valve is working but I feel this is a fault waiting to happen.

Lastly, I am absolutely certain that effects loop 1 is defective and the fault has not been fixed. On this occasion the loops were tested using a basic Line 6 delay unit. If I ran the delay unit through loop 2 it worked fine. On loop 1 (same settings) I either got no effect when the loop switch on the back of the amp was On and the King Controller loop switch was On – or – I got a weird feedback effect when the channel switch on the back was Off and the King Controller loop switch was On.

N.B. I am also concerned that when the loop switches on the amp channels are on you can’t switch them off with the King Controller. Is this the intent?

I am totally disillusioned with this amp and the lame attempts to sort this problem. I will be returning the amp and speaker next week and expect a full refund. I have run a Triaxis for over 5 years without even needing to change a valve but this experience has turned me off of Boogies.

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