I've been thinking about this and I have discovered to my horror that my tastes have changed. I was trying to think where I derived my tone from and from listening to some of my influences, I really don't know. I tend to favour a rich, mid heavy crunch without too much distortion. Think modern rock more than anything. My style is heavy rock with a bit of a metal influence, but definitely not metal.
Caveat. I'm talking about what sounds good to me, not what players I admire because some of these I don't. Also bear in mind that I have some strong opinions which aren't necessary in line with the overall common sentiment of the board here.
Greenday Dookie: Strat + Marshall = love. Obviously the sound is in the gear here! Hey, he plays power chords 'good'. :shock: In my mind, this is a quintessential punk tone. For me, the Bad Religion Buzz Saw guitars are a close second. Just not quite as phat. Brian Baker can actually solo but this is a debate for another time.
Iron Maiden: Aces High is AWESOME! Gotta love the wide vocal vibrato. Reminds me of good ol' classical voice!
System of a Down: Question. I love the heavy crunch. If I played in a metal band, I'd use a tone like this. I just find the 80's too dated for my tastes. Kind of like playing one's guitar through a mullet.
Jimi Hendrix. Guys tone came from his fingers. You'd think the guys guitar was a violin on LSD!
Dream Theater - Octavarium, the album that wasn't :: :evil: METAL :twisted: :: enough for most of the fans. I guess I like the more modern sound better. I swore John was using a Dual Rectifier on this album. *weird* Contrary to what others probably think, I think this is one of their strongest works, at least compositionally speaking. I find the ******y on other albums to be a bit Lisztian and it can grate at times. I'm just quibbling though . . .