40TH Anniversary Mark V

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Feb 21, 2009
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Riverside Ca
I hate these kinds of posts because they flare up GAS big time, but I've heard there will be a limited run of super, duper custom Mark V 1x12 cabs made, nay, crafted from quilted sapele and adorned with some sort of special mother of pearl inlay on the top. The amp will cost about $4000 and is limited to about 50 (one per state). The good news is the guts are the same so it should sound like a normal V, except it will look way pimper! The Mesa Hollywood store should be getting one in this week.

Now before I get flamed like theres no tomorrow, let me say that these facts are not set in stone (I personally have not seen anything in print or posted on this or any other forum) but my source is pretty reputable and trust worthy. Just throwing the information out as it was conveyed to me. Currently I have two amps on order and can not justify 4G's for a 3rd one. But, if anyone is in the LA area and happens to be in the market for a custom Mark V, wait a few days and check this one out. If however, by some act of God this amp is still available in a month I may have to get myself an early Christmas gift.
My dealer mentioned this to me when I ordered my Mark V while he was at NAMM and asked if I wanted to order the 40th instead -- couldn't justify the increased price.

I'm sure it looks awesome!
DesertBurst said:

some pics for ya
wow!!!!!! that's very nice :idea: i guess i better sell one of my lungs to get that amp :D
I'm glad that they're offering it. That means that they are settling on the Mark V for quite some time. It took me almost three months to finally get along with my Mark V. I became much happier with the amp after I swapped the C90 out with a V30. The C90 wasn't doing the amp any justice whatsoever.
WOW, I was actually right about something for once! :D Thats elegant, I was worried it would be gaudy. Sadly, the one that was shipped to Mesa Hollywood sold within a few hours. Thanks for the heads up about the pictures. I rarely go to the Mesa site as they are slow to update.
ryjan said:
That would really be a cool collectors piece. For a players amp I wouldnt drop $4k just for asthetics.

Not arguing with you, but you do bring up a good point. Many people I know would buy stuff based on another big factor, brand name. Hell, even arguably for a worse off equipment. But hey, I guess brand names do sell very well...
If I had the disposable income, I would get one. I would have a room full amplifiers from vintage to boutique, if I had the dough.
dodger916 said:
$4k, huh? I dunno...

+1. can't take it anywhere! what if someone sees it in your rig? and jacks it? you better have insured! but even so, you're still jacked! same goes with any gear, but for so much value in so small and portable an article, it's not worth it, imho. :roll:
Koprofag said:
Amps were meant to be played. You can't even swap tubes in that thing without it losing some of its original value!

+1 :!:
Koprofag wrote:
Amps were meant to be played. You can't even swap tubes in that thing without it losing some of its original value!


Custom Finish Mark V Combo
---w/1x12 WB Ported Cab
Mark IV Bubinga Combo

funny that you would laugh at it when you have a custom finish mark combo and a bubinga combo,and im sure you would not want to sell your wooden combos either becasue that is only one part of its value and you probably love having the piece

I need a new amp(I have a 1986 mesa sob that I got from my father but has seen some high voltage) and i thought i might as well get one and be happy with it

do you guys really think its not worth it? to get it, I was looking at buying a mkv anyway.

my father fell in love with wooden mesa's with a cane wicker grill decades ago. it has been a life long dream of his and i want to see the look on his face when i say look what i got US dad. the collectability part of it is nice and all that but I will never sell it anyway

money is just numbers, I will cherish this amp for a lifetime and when I look back when i am an old man(I am 28) I will have a lifetime of memories to look back on

how many people spend that much on ciggarets in a year and have nothing to show for it but lung cancer, or people whlo blow that in the casino in night

I have seen people loose hundreds of thousands on the stock market and dont have a thing to show for it
Dude, its your money. Who cares if other guys dont think its worth the extra cash. If you can afford it, go for it. Relax and know you got a great sounding amp that also happens to look gorgeous. I would never gig with it, but it would be awesome to have nonetheless. IMO this and other custom ordered amps exemplify what Mesa/Boogie is all about "The Spirit of Art in Technology"! :D
I know it is a lot of money and I started out deadlocked between a electra dyne and a mark 5 and never had intentions of getting the wooden cabinet,let alone one of the limited edition ones.I never had intentiond on spending that much ,but it just kind of .........happened.

I will finaly be able to stop reading about distortion pedals and overdrive pedals and know i have my bases well covered .

there are people who spend that much on hookers and eightballs.there are worse things I could blow my cash on

as far as changing tubes making it lose value it wont as long as you kept the originals to put back in them

ill sell you this amp and even take all 20 of those new tubes out and put back all 20 originals!!! lol

p.s. I dread the day i have to re tube that beast!

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