3ch Dual Rectifier Vintage question

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2008
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Hi everyone, I have never had much luck getting a good sound out of the vintage setting on my recto in that it always seems to sound muddy or something??? Can anyone chime in with their experiences with the vintage setting and how they go about setting it up.
I like this guys tone, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_61tE7aTwU&feature=related

Cheers in advance
mikey383 said:
I'm pretty sure he's using the modern setting on the orange channel, boosted with a Maxon 808.

He is indeed using the Orange channel on the modern setting.
fluff191 said:
mikey383 said:
I'm pretty sure he's using the modern setting on the orange channel, boosted with a Maxon 808.

He is indeed using the Orange channel on the modern setting.

Are you sure? The picture of his settings at the end is clearly in vintage.
HA! I never even watched the whole thing till the end. I guess it is on Vintage. I couldnt dial my Recto to sound like that in Vintage, but could in Modern. Huh. I wrote and asked him just for clarification. Cause if you look at
it is in Modern, and the tones are very very close.

EDIT: He wrote me back and the first clip is indeed in Vintage. Wild.
anybody know what song that is? i dig it! i saw the guy who was playing post a thing on here once demoing the DR, ENGL, and a 5150. DR was the best IMO
I like both of his recto vids, great tones.

How do you guys go about setting up vintage mode for metal tones?

Can anyone else relate to the 'muddy' issue?

can a dual rec do nice cleans and volume level's (both clean and high gain) my wife won't bitch at me about while i'm in the garage with my 2 year old daughter asleep upstairs? or should i continue my quest for the mark v? especially since i like reverb.
TREC said:
Can anyone else relate to the 'muddy' issue?
Yes, I think I can. At least Roadster-wise. EMGs 18v ->Deci->ts9->amp, loop bypass.

when comparing modern and vintage mode, there is a significant difference in volume. when at gigging/rehearsal volume on modern (master about 10-11) to have the vintage matching the modern I have to have the channel master around noon or one a clock.

the vintage mode channel stays wonderfully firm and tight up to about 11-12 a clock but after noon the vintage mode starts to musching out really bad and loosing the tightness. the modern mode stays good. think I popp the cones if I push the modern channel master any further.

And yes, I play loud. :lol:

But as I said, up 'till 11 the vintage mode stays perfectly the way I want it.
