3ch Dual Rec Modes - What do you use?

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2005
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Rochester, NY
3channel Dual or Triple Rec owners - What modes do you use on each channel?

I am finding the best tones like this:
ch1 - clean
ch2 - modern
ch3 - vintage

Modern on ch3 is just too bright and sizzley to me. I like it much better on ch2 where I can dial it in to be a little warmer.
Vintage on ch3 works pretty good for me and I have been running that with much less gain.
Cleans on this amp are pretty good. I haven't experimented much with the pushed mode yet.
1: Clean (great cleans....tend to dirty up a bit, but I like it...nice effect)
2: Vintage/Raw (change from a classic crunch to more of a blues tone, haven't picked the one I like better yet)
3: Modern (no other channel/mode can do what this one does...I finally dialed out the high end harshness and sizzle, so it's perfect for me!)

For anyone having trouble with channel 3 modern, try these settings! Do wonders for me!

Tube Rectifier
Stock Tubes (6L6's)

Channel 3: Modern
Presence: 10 o'clock
Master: 12 o'clock
Gain: 2 o'clock
Bass: 12:30 o'clock
Mids: 2 o'clock
Treble: 10 o'clock
Green: Clean
Orange & Red: Vintage

I keep the gain on the Orange channel at about 1 o'clock, just shy of that point where it gets really saturated. This is a great rhythm tone and can get nice and nasty when it needs to for solos.

On the Red channel the gain is about 3 o'clock and this is perfect for harder rhythms or searing leads.
Concert Settings:
Clean Ch.1
Modern Ch.2 (voiced for EMG-81's)
Modern Ch.3 (Voiced for EMG 81's and Hz H-1's(a little brighter pup..haha hard to believe right?))

Settings are based on having a 7-band graphic Equality pedal and are approximated:

Bold Variac/Silicon Diodes


Bass 2:00
Mid 10:00
Treble 2:00
Presence 1:30
Master 2:00
Gain 12:00

Ch. 2 Distortion

Bass 2:45
Mid 7:20 (almost scooped)
Treble 2:45
Presence 12:30
Master 11:00
Gain 12:30

Ch. 3 Distortion

Bass 2:30
Mid 7:20 (almost scooped)
Treble 12:20
Presence 11:00
Master 11:00
Gain 12:30

My pedal is Eq'd like so:

By running the Eq, I've brought some mids in before the amp (plus the 81's on my guitar have so much midrange it's not even funny so I eq'd it this way to get my sound. It's razor sharp attack, with heavy bottom and crisp treble for clarity.There still is some midrange that the pickups bring in themselves, I wouldn't noramally run that scooped, but it just had to be done that way to get what i was going for :roll:. Gain settings aren't that high because if you go too high on it, and you turn up to concert levels, it can become IMO too distorted, and your chords and palm mutes loose definition. The sound that I was most trying to replicate was on ch. 2 a sort of Master of Puppets higher gain/ more trebley tone, and on ch. 3 a more S & M/ St. Anger tone with lots of chug and "heaviosity." lol I think I did pretty well, sounds good to me and mostly everyone else who has heard me play live. Couldn't be happier with my Mesa product, even though my band just played with Disciple and thier guitarist offered to get me a great deal with Splawn amps if I ever wanted to 'join the dark side' haha. (his rig is on their website)

On my road king, channel 1-3-4 are the same as 1-2-3 on a recto.

Channel one - I guess doens't count, I use tweed. But I used clean on my rectos

Channel 3 (Orange) - Vintage with gain at 3:00, this is my heavy channel.

Chanel 4 (Red) - Vintage with gain at 11:00 and trebble and presence down lower than on the orange channel. This is my more classic rock sound since I think it's too sizzely for real high gain.

Channel 2 is brit mode if anyone is counting, gain at 100% and trebble at 100% puts me in classic Marshall territory.
Can I join in on the fun?
Two Channel Dual Rec! HeHe!
Ch1) Clean! (cloned to Modern),(gain=11, treb=2, mid=9, bass=11, pres=2)
Ch2) Modern! (gain=2, treb=1:00, mid=11, bass=12, pres=11)
That's it folks!
On my Triple rec:
Channel 1: Clean
Channel 2: Vintage(with the gain at about 4-5oclock, with a clean boost pedal.) gives me plenty of gain while keeping a great mid buzz tone.
Channel 3: Modern as much as I wanted to love this channel, its definitely heavy, i just dont like the scooped sound of it as much as the warm vintage.
2 Channel Dual Rectifer (Blackface :))

Ch1 - Vintage
Ch2 - Modern

I only got it yesterday and i'm still messing with them. So far i'm liking..


Bass 12:00
Mid 12:00
Treble 1:00
Gain 4:00
Presence 8:00
Master 10:30


Bass 11:30
Mid 11:00
Treble 12:00
Gain 2:30
Presence 8:00
Master 9:30

G-Major in the loop for delays.

Kinda similar settings to what I used to use on my 3ch Dual Recto.
channel 1 - between clean and pushed (I LOVE the tones I get out of this channel

channel 2 - modern high gain, still kinda fighting with this one

channel 3 - my other modern high gain lol - this one sounds nice with either of my guitars.

my kh2 has EMGs and they're kinda bright, my KE1 with a duncan JB sounds meaner (and better through both high gain channels)

the kh2 is nice with the clean channel b/c it actually has a neck pickup