395 Problems

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2006
Reaction score
Southern California
I discovered that when I activate the Deep Extend on My Simul 395, it begins to feedback even if there is no signal on it. I changed all the tubes to see if it would go away, but it is still there. I also noticed if I crank it without the deep extend activated, it will do this same feedback. Any ideas? I'll take it apart tomorrow and look inside too.....
Only the channel that I select the deep extend on at first, but then both channels even without the deep extend if I used it at gigging volume.
If it happens on both channels then it might be your tubes or possibly a microphonic cable. Have you tried plugging your guitar straight into the power amp or using a distortion pedal into the power amp?

It could also be where your speaker is in relation to the amp. Every tube has SOME microphonic response--there are wire screens and bits in there that can vibrate. If you have tons of volume it could be enough to generate microphonics even in a good tube.

Or you could have a crappy tube.
Well, the fix was easy.... I had my rack stacked on my Theiles. That was the problem. I put my rack back on my standalone stand- NOISE IS GONE, YESSSSSSS!!!! :D