3 channel Triple Rectifier Midi Switching

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Feb 19, 2018
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So I ordered a Midi switcher to hook to a Helix Lt. Hoping when I get it, it'll work. In theory I hook up 3 1/4 cables to channel 1,2, and 3 external switching jacks to the midi switcher 3 jacks. Then midi cable from helix to midi switcher correct? I feel that should work from what I've read. I'll have everything Monday or Tuesday. Any input or does this seem right? My amp is pre multi watt 3 channel Triple Rectifier
Yes this is correct. Depending how many outputs the switcher has, you can also control the fx loop and the solo function. There may be some setup/programming involved to make everything play nice together but it's pretty simple and should be clearly explained in the manuals for your specific gear.

Also, you don't need to use shielded cables for the switching (wont hurt anything if you do however) speaker cable is fine and typically less expensive.
Thanks. I will be getting helix tomorrow I have midi switcher already. We will see how it goes I'll let you guys know and in case anyone else wants to do similar.
Ok so I have a NUX PMS2 midi switcher hooked to my Mesa external switcher inputs. I can manually use buttons on switcher to change channels on amp but can figure out how to have Helix LT send the commands. I can get into commands and midi stuff on helix but cannot figure out which to send etc. The manual for PMS2 is horrible. Anyone help?
At the risk of over-simplifying, there are basically two midi commands. PC (program change) and CC (control change). Need to figure out which/both of these messages your switcher responds to and program the helix accordingly. No idea about the nux I have never used one, sorry.

Also the possibility your switcher can send "momentary" or "latching" switch signals. Choose latching.
Hypieran said:
Ok so I have a NUX PMS2 midi switcher hooked to my Mesa external switcher inputs. I can manually use buttons on switcher to change channels on amp but can figure out how to have Helix LT send the commands. I can get into commands and midi stuff on helix but cannot figure out which to send etc. The manual for PMS2 is horrible. Anyone help?

I'm using the nux on my Roadster. Seems to work fine. Yes, you have to figure out how your Helix will be sending the midi. And you have to program the nux to receive on the same midi channel on which the Helix is transmitting (or omni mode) and set it to latching mode. The nux responds to program change commands. On my Boss GT-10, the program change was "hardwired" (factory-assigned) to each patch, and was sent when switching to that patch, automatically. With my MS-3, which I'm currently using, I can choose which program change to send per patch, which is much more flexible.

A couple of other oddities that I've noticed, which may or may not apply to your Rectifier: The channel lights on the head act a little strangely when switching by the jacks on the back with the nux. In my case the channel one light stays on even while another channel light lights up when it's switched to. And some are dim, some are bright. Also, the remote footswitch lights don't respond to the nux channel switching, which is kind of a bummer. Finally, you can only use the footswitlch to switch channels when the nux is currently switched to channel one on the head.

Another fun fact: from what I've read online, the nux pms-2 doesn't work at all in momentary mode, like it's supposed to. Some kind of problem with an eprom, I think. Not a problem that affects us, though, since our amps use latching for the switching.
Midi switching OR the amp ftsw, NOT both. Also when programming, make sure when you turn one amp channel on, you also turn the last one off. Dont know if it might damage the amp's switching relays, but it sounds like **** thats for sure.
I also found by using midi to switch the amp I was getting weird light configuration..
The solution was simple..
I have 2002 dual rec and use the TCGmajor to switch the amp..
now the TC only has two switches and I found by plugging in one to ch 1 and the other to ch 3 I was able to switch between all three channels.. weird but it works perfectly.. I guess because one channel is always on by default which happens to be ch 2 when the foot switch is disconnected.. On my amp anyway.. Try it on yours.. Unplug the footswitch and turn on the amp.. what channel is on? If it's on by default, you don't need to switch it.. And then you won't get the multiple lights on.. Which might (I'm unsure but stands to reason) that you may damage the switching circuit of the amp.. Down the track..

The midi controller pedal I use also has two switches so was able to switch solo and fx..
Here is midi interface for Mesa amps. So you can switching your amp from Helix ( or any midi controller ) via midi
There should not be any other channel light on except the one you are in. I also use the Voodoo Labs control switcher with my Roadster and never experience that.

You need to make sure your MIDI switcher has isolated grounds. Using a common ground connection across the external channel jacks can create the “weird” lights as you mention, and could damage the switching matrix in the amp.

Using a multimeter check for continuity across all the sleeves of your switching cables (unplugged from the amp but hooked up to your switcher). All sleeve connections should be isolated (no continuity between them).
