3 Channel Recto With TC Electronic Nova System

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Well-known member
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Aug 15, 2013
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Tucson, AZ
So I got the Nova two weeks ago. I had it going in the front, but it I don't think that's the proper setup with my amp; though I often run pedals in the front exclusively. I put it in the loop and it came alive. I lost use of the "analog" drive pedals, but I don't really like them with this amp.

In the loop, I can theoretically turn the Send all the way up and adjust the input of the pedal, but the SNR was really poor. I adjusted the pedal's gain (14) and output (8 db) and it sounded pretty good when A/B-ing the loop. The Mix is 100%.

The modulations, delays, and pitch effects are totally freaking awesome. The abundance of parameters make them incredibly versatile. The reverb is only a little troublesome. It adds in artifacts on really wet settings. This can be fixed by balancing the reverb's overall volume and it's mix control, avoiding really, really long verbs, and cutting the reflections above 3kHz.

I found a cool setting for Modern mode with the parametric EQ. There are only three bands, so my options were kind of limited. After a lot of trial and error, I have a good setting that could apply to other EQ devices. I cut 3 db around 54Hz; width is .5. I cut 2 db around 300Hz; width is .3. I cut 4 db somewhere around 9kHz; width is .8.

By cutting the sub-bass and low mids that way, it opens up the areas with a clearer low frequency response. The Bass knob can be set a little more liberally. The top cut takes a bit of bite out of the presence, but still allows it to brighten up everything without as much harshness. The frequency could actually be shifted around a bit, but it responded well with my cab at that setting.

You might notice that I didn't boost anything. I find cutting more useful, but I do like to boost up to 2-3dB around 100Hz and 2.5k, but I don't have two more bands. The knobs on the amp work fine, though.

I also add in a bit of compression. The current settings are -18dB, 1.4:1, -4 volume. The compression comes before any other effects and the EQ is last. Being relatively gentle with both has produced some really nice responses.

One last cool thing: I turned the Master Volume to Noon and turned the volume down on the Nova. The additional low frequencies that are added as the MV increases are barely attenuated by the Nova. It makes low volume playing a lot of fun.

I'm not trying to sell this device. If you have something that will work, give it a try. However, I love this little effects unit.
This could be another topic, but I don't want to fill up the forum.

I used Duncan's Amp Tools to compare the Dual Rec 3Ch against the Fender stack and found a pretty good clean setting that I tweaked at the amp.

In O'Clock:

B- 12.5
M- 8.5
T- 2
P- 5.5 (Full on) or 2.5
M- 12
G- 12

I think this is about as close to a Fender clean as the amp can get. The dynamics are good and it crunches with hard picking, but stays clean and crisp with a lighter touch. The brightness is completely dependent on having the Gain control at or above 11 or so. The Presence would be lowered at a very, very loud volume. Some reverb and a subtle chorus makes it sound awesome.


I've been adventuring with the Nova some more on the Modern Ch3. I did subtle boosts at about 450hz and 2kHz to make it stand out. For chunk, I boosted a bit around 80Hz and used the knobs on the amp to get the desired feel. The two mid boosts make the guitar audible in the clusterfrack of frequencies of a band setting and the bass boost is only for feel, because it won't be heard over the bass guitar.

A drummer is taking 100 Hz, 350hz, and everything in the presence range. Bass guitar takes below 100hz, 300hz, and around 1k for slap. Vocalist is taking the majority of upper mids and peaks around 1k. Putting the guitar in at 450 and 2k gives it it's place without having to turn up to deafening levels.

I tried the frowny face EQ that a TS would do- in front of the amp and in the loop- and I still don't like that sound. This is another alternative for playing with others nicely. Your mileage may vary.

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