3 Channel Dual Recto Questions . . .

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Sep 10, 2006
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The warm replies I got to my last post on here have encouraged me to ask more things about my lovely new Boogie from you guys - there just seems like so much great knowledge and experience on here !

First up . . . My amp has always made a short buzzing sound (almost like the sound of a welding machine) when I switch on the Master Power. I have always assumed that it is just the power supply or something powering up. Is this normal for these amps (I have moved over from a Line-6) or is it something I ought to look into further?

I know that might sound a silly question but I don't know anyone else in my area with a Boogie and I could not find anything on the forums here.

I have also experienced the 'bump' that comes when switching to channel 2 on a modern high gain setting. I use Ch1 for clean, Ch2 for lead and Ch3 for dirty rhythm. I play mostly metal so when I need a crunch sound I just push channel 1 a bit more. My Lexicon is set to work only on channel 2 as I just have a touch of delay and reverb on my lead sound. Is there anything I can do to minimise this noise or should I just make sure the drummer gives it some on the way into a solo ? :lol:

Other than this I am lovin' the Boogie - my only regret is not having bought one twenty years ago !

Thanks - Matt Cockbain
Do you mean a pop when switching between channels?

If so, that seems to be a problem with the high gain of the rectos. Some pop....some don't. One thing you can do to help with the problem is cycle through the channels once initially starting up in standby....this usually helps to get rid of some of the static (which is what causes the pop).

I find it helps to start on channel 2 when finally unstandbying...I never get any pops this way. But I use mine in raw....if you use channel 3 for less gain, that might be a good place to start.
Ibanez nailed the channel problem, just cycle through the channels at startup and it goes away.. mine used to do this when it was new and it went away but your mileage may vary on that one.

As far as the buzzing sound, is this amp brand new? If not how old are the tubes inside it? And when you say buzzing, is it a constant low hum? does it squeal? Is it constant? Do you notice that it goes away when you play?

If you turn your master volume down does the buzz go away? How close are you to your amp with your guitar?

Sorry for all the questions, trying to narrow it down for you.
I would believe what your hearing is normal. I always zero my master(s) before power down! Then, you won't hear that sound (or any) on power up! Try it! :idea:
I always hear this sound if everyones quiet--but Im not too worried about it- Also the closer you get to the amp with the guitar the louder you will hear the hum especially on the left side of the head (if your lookng @ the front of the amp) which is the side where the wall-outlet power inlet and rectifier are. :wink:
Thanks for the great replies. It seems that the 'popping sound' only happens when i am switching to channel 2 (which I use on modern setting as my main lead sound); sometimes it happens, sometimes it does not so it seems to be exactly as you guys have descibed here. I can live with it as it cant really be heard when playing with a band but its a little annoying on an amp that cost me £2500 GBP.

With regards to the other issue; yes I bought the amp brand new about a month ago so obviously the valves are brand new too. Perhaps I should explain that the sound only happens when I first power on the amp for a second or less and then everything is fine after that - I mean power on with the master power switch so the amp is being switched from off to standby. The sound is like a cross between a welding machine and one of those insect killing lights that you may see in meat shops and kitchens - like a short but pronounced buzz. The amp seems to work fine and sounds great to my ears but I was just wondering if such a sound is normal ?

Thanks - Matt Cockbain
Seems not normal at all. I would bring it back to have it repaired. Since it is brand new it should be still under guarantee…
Just to keep matters up to date . . . I tried my Recto back in the shop and I was unable to repeat the fault (buzzing on power-on). When I got back home the fault was back on, which suggests a power quality issue to me at my home ? Strangely I disconnected the foot controller from the back of the Recto and it powered on without any noise, and has done so since with the foot controller connected back up again. Very strange.

I have since ordered a power conditioner so hopefully that will remove that element from the equation if not solve the problem !

Yeah the power conditioner should help. It mightnot kill it completely.

The footswitch cable could be acting a an antenna basically. Picking up lights(flourecent) and other stuff.
It doesn't sound like you need a conditioner but a device which regulates the voltage. Check the mains voltage to see if it is dipping too low. The noise might be due to a possible weak or bad ground at your home.
Still don't have the power conditioner (it was a special order) but I am looking forward to trying it. Just to clarify on some of the previous posts; the noise actually comes from the head of the amp - not through the speakers - from the left hand side of the head as you view it from the front.

Will post updates once my PC arrives.

Regards - Matt
try it with out the footswitch plugged in and f/x loop off. mine did this as well. like a half second dzzzt sound
lailer75 thank you ! :D

Dzzzt - is exactly the sound it makes for about half a second - still don't know what causes it but I am happy that I am not the only Boogie owner with this problem. I dont want to keep unplugging the F/S cable for fear of damaging it but I will try changing the setting and killing the master volume when i power it up tonight after work.

Thanks !

my 3 channel triple too makes the bzzzzt sound after engaging the standby...it's always happened at my house...i don't remember when we were practicing at my drummers pad...my guess is it prolly always has. i wouldn't stress about it. i routinly maintain my recto and nothing has ever worried any of my techs..even the bzzzzt! lol. peece.