3 Channel Dual Rectifier wont turn on?!?!...

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Jul 21, 2008
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I went to practice last night and it just wouldn't turn on. The power light doesn't light up, nothing works! No sound, nothing.
There was no forewarning at all, no meltdown nothing.
It was working fine the night before. Done the usual checks, replaced every single tube in the amp. Still nothing.

Any ideas? I'm going to take it to a tech at some point.
twothemax said:
MesaKiwi said:
Yeah checked the fuse, it's fine.
check the fuse with an ohm meter. sometimes just looking at it wont show a fault. i have seen many a fuse that burns at the end and you cant tell by looking.

+1 on that. 8)
And be sure, if your amp is a newer model, that the power cord is seated all the way into the chassis. They can work loose and "look" like there's nothing wrong, but it won't make full contact.
And, of course, I assume you made sure you always plugged it into a working outlet (don't laugh or let this offend you, its more common than you may think).
BTW, if there is no power at all, a tube is not the problem. But it is possible the pilot light is burned out...I assume you checked the tubes and the filaments do not glow(?)

If all of this checks out, it may need a trip to the repair center. Hopefully it will just be something cheap and simple that proves to be no more than a mild inconvenience for you.

Good luck! :D
Oh ok, I don't have an ohm meter so I might just get a replacement fuse.

And, of course, I assume you made sure you always plugged it into a working outlet (don't laugh or let this offend you, its more common than you may think).
haha yeah I have actually done that before, wasn't the case this time round though :(

The tubes don't glow at all, it's completely dead.
I will replace the fuse, if that doesn't make any difference then it's off to the tech...

Thanks heaps guys for your input, really appreciate it!
Do you have a Harbor Freight store near you?
They often have meters that would be perfect for this kind of thing for as little as $5.

Either that or buy a foot long at Subway :lol: :lol: :lol:

But seriously, for a few dollars it would be a valuable tool to have around. :wink:

Good luck :D
Hi there. I have exactly the same problem. It think it even happened the same day. However, my amp was not working properly since last friday. First off, when I turned it on it had a lot less power than before (it may have been working at like 30% of its ussual power/output). I changed the tubes but it was not that. Then I noticed that when I switched to the "loop bypass" mode at the back of the head -which defeats output and solo controls- the amp was working fine, with a lot of power (really powerful at 730! on channel's three master volume on modern mode). So I guess it is not the tubes. Then, when I found it was working fine on loop bypass mode, I decided to check once again if a miracle could have happened and turned it on (remember it was not working properly, and in the end it had almost no output (solo control was dead)). It did not start, it is like your amp: dead. But I remember that the day before I tried another set of preamp and power tubes -at 50 watt-, but forgot to put one 6L6 back, so i turned it on with only one 6L6. I noticed that, and did not turn it on -it was on stand by, put the 6L6 back and then turned it on again, and worked fine in the loop bypass mode. It was as messed up as before but at least it turned on and was fine in loop bypass mode. Now it does not even turn on, the tubes do not light up, nothing. Same as yours.
Does anybody know what could have caused the initial problem? And what could have caused the amp to be dead? Are they related -guess they are, but maybe I screwed it up in a different way when turning it with only one 6L6?
Any ideas would help. Thanks.
If it is dead now all I can say is, as was said before, check the fuse (get a new one to be sure...can't tell by looking...unless you have a meter to check it with). Be sure power cord is seated in chassis (if you have a newer model run).

Leaving out a tube is not going to cause a problem....

If the loop is dead, there is usually one tube dedicated to the loop (not sure which one it is for your amp; check manual)...it could be bad, or.....
The jacks on the loop are switching type (return usually is) If it is dirty or bent internally, it won't make contact and make it seem dead....I had this on my Stiletto, but was able to fix it myself. Don't try if you are unsure. Do you know someone with tech skills that can help you?

Probably something simple, hopefully.

Good luck :)
Thanks Old BF Shred. The initial problem was not exactly related with the loop. In fact, I don't use it at all (I have nothing connected to the return or send jacks). The problem was related with the output and master volumes which according to the manual could be caused by a bad preamp tube (5th position). I changed all the tubes but it was still the same. But, when the amp was working with the "loop bypass" mode at the back of the head (I think that is to get a 100% tube amp circuit, removing the loop from the it(?)) was working as powerful as before. Later, the amp stopped working. I think that is caused by the fuse, but that could be caused by a bad OT (bad preamp tubes) or PT (bad power tubes). Those two problems as the worst scenarios of course (that's what ive read over the internet). I am taking it to an amp tech tonight so I hope everything goes fine, or I will get the new multi watt version $$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Thanks again!
Update guys,

I took it to the tech this morning and stuck around while he was doing the initial checks.

Firstly, the fuse was stuffed.
Replaced it and the amp turned on...yay :roll:

Secondly, it still didn't fix the problem.
There was no sound coming from the amp at all even with all masters cranked right up, no white noise, hissing or anything.

He thinks it may just be a resister that went or something small like that so I was relieved to hear that :)

I will find out sometime this week.

Keep ya posted

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