2 Thiele 1x12's OR 1 Metal Grill 2x12 ?

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2005
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Central NJ

If you had to go with 1 setup, which one would it be. 1 metal Grill 2x12 with an open back top loaded with MC90 and EVM. Or 2 Thiele 1x12's loaded with EVM's?

Right now i have 1 of each and i swear the Thiele just has this ballsy umph to it that i just can't believe. And i can't imagine how good 2 of these little suckers would sound. But i think the 2x12 sounds good, just as long as i keep the presence knob on my MarkIV pulled out. With it pushed in, the amp sounds very harsh.
You are welcome to borrow my Thiele loaded with an EVM to test out... :wink:
I've wondered the same thing for a while now. I'd specifically like run the combo with the C90 on top of the EV12L Thiele next to the 2x12 at the same time. Problem is I've been searching for a metal grille 2x12 for over a year now. Have you ran the thiele and the 2x12 at the same time yet?

If you ever want get rid of yer 2x12 it let me know. :D
How about 2 thieles with EV's and 2 open backs with EV's on top of the 2 thieles :twisted:

I would take 2 thieles over the 2x12, because sometimes the gig only requires one cab.
I have A/B'd the 1x12 theile next to the bottom of my 2x12 halfback (each loaded with EVM's) and even though the 2x12 has a great deal more internal airspace it seems to be tuned to a somewhat higher resonate frequency. For " Chunk Ryhthm" the theile stole the show. For soloing and a more "80's" type sound the 2x12 actually seems louder. I have also A/B'd the 2x12 (EV top and bottom) next to a combo on top of a theile (EV's in each) and each set up has it's own character. In each case the open back of the combo and 2x12 seems to almost over shadow the bottom speakers. The theile seems to have naturally scooped mids while the EV in an open back has a much more in your face mid and upper mid emphasis and to the ear sounds louder and more cutting. For Drop tuning heavy stuff the theile hands down kicks *** all by itself. For cleaner playing (Fender Guitar sounds) It's hard to tell the difference between the two setups side by side. For portability I'm using mostly the combo/theile and sometimes I just take a head/ theile if I'm playing a lot of heavy rock but for the more classic rock/country gigs just the combo is great. Oh and two theiles stacked will have most 4x12's for lunch.
Excellent! Thanks, Restless! I've wondered for some time now how the Thiele+Combo stacks up against a 212 vertical, especially the halfback. Interesting that you A/B'd the EV-Thiele + EV-Combo and found that the open-back combo seemed to overwhealm the Thiele. I've never tried that, but for quite a long time I have had and swear by, (and spouted off about :) ), my MC90-loaded DC5combo with my EV-Thiele on top ...simply magnificent! They balance/compliment one another perfectly, IMHO and to my ears. I find there is something magical and symbiotic about these two together: the depth and clarity of the EV's lows and highs in the focused Thiele-cab format, nicely rounded out by the warmth and mids + mid-highs of the open MC90. It would be a minor difference, probably, but I wonder what A/Bing your EV Combo+Thiele with my setup would yield. Again, thanks for your input!!

I went with two Thiele 1x12's loaded with EVM's, and I'm glad I did.
I've been using the Thiele with my MKIVa Short Head.. Just won a c90 open back on ebay that was shipped yesterday. As a standalone, i don't think you can beat the Thiele, but it does sound a little "boomy" to my ears at times. I hope that adding the open back will give me a lttle more mid range and give me the best of both worlds. I've used the thiele with my DC-3 (Vintage 30 in the DC) and the sound is huge. I like to get the Theile off the ground and tilt it back a little, facing in my general direction, while the combo speaker faces straight out. It gets you in that "pocket" of sound.
thiele's are not scooped, but they can sound that way when you ab them against a more midrange oriented enclosure. even two enclosures with the same speaker (thiele vs. sealed or open backed) the sealed or open backed cab has less bass but aproximately the same midrange and high so it sounds more "in your face" it will also be percieved as louder to the ear. i actually tested a couple of ev's in a sealed enclosure to test this. and it confimed what the computer model projected. that's how i hear it anyway.
Tyrant said:
I've wondered the same thing for a while now. I'd specifically like run the combo with the C90 on top of the EV12L Thiele next to the 2x12 at the same time. Problem is I've been searching for a metal grille 2x12 for over a year now. Have you ran the thiele and the 2x12 at the same time yet?

If you ever want get rid of yer 2x12 it let me know. :D

I have a Blonde metal grille 2x12 with EVs that I may want to part with.

geenads said:
I've been using the Thiele with my MKIVa Short Head.. Just won a c90 open back on ebay that was shipped yesterday. As a standalone, i don't think you can beat the Thiele, but it does sound a little "boomy" to my ears at times. I hope that adding the open back will give me a lttle more mid range and give me the best of both worlds.

Yeah, each of us has their tonal "wants" to be sure. There are lots who love Thieles as stand alones. Like you, I don't. The Thiele alone is powerful, but a bit "overbearing" and "hard" sounding to my ears. Coupled with an MC90-loaded openback, however, (in my case my amp, in yours an open cab), the more mids-biased blackshadow really "covers" that area the EV-thiele is a bit weak on. More than the sum of their parts is how I think of it. I think you'll find you'll really like that open back you just scored :)

I've used the thiele with my DC-3 (Vintage 30 in the DC) and the sound is huge. I like to get the Theile off the ground and tilt it back a little, facing in my general direction, while the combo speaker faces straight out. It gets you in that "pocket" of sound.

I've tried both the Thiele on top of the amp, and the other way around. I found that I *clearly* like overall tone with the Thiele perched atop my combo amp. No idea why; it just sounds better to me, regardless of what room I'm playing in.

To this point I have just put the thiele beside my combo. I didn't think of putting it on top of the combo. What does this do to the bottom end? Also. I have been putting the mic on the thiele. Is that what you guys are doing?
I use one of these to get it off the ground...


it's supposed to hold something like 150 pounds but i probably wouldn't put more than 50 or 60 on it.. it'll hold a combo. When playing outside, I think I would mic the C90.. You already are getting a lot of sound from the thiele unmic'd. I don't know... a mater of personal taste. I was putting the mic on my DC3's V30, leaving the Thiele unmic'd. There's something about that V30 that adds to the sound, in a dirty way.
srf399 said:
To this point I have just put the thiele beside my combo. I didn't think of putting it on top of the combo. What does this do to the bottom end? Also. I have been putting the mic on the thiele. Is that what you guys are doing?

Hi srf,

My DC5 is the same size (maybe even the same exact cabinet) as the MKIV widebody, IIRC. I just found the bottom end sounded better that way; the thiele on the bottom sounded too boomy or "loose" in terms of bottom ...reflecting off floor maybe? But up top, it is focused and tight ...very nice to my ears.

And I mic the combo's MC90. Not sure why, frankly ...the warmer mids maybe? ...or just habit??

The phenomenon that I call "floor coupling", to my ear, has a dramatic effect on the low end sound of a cab. I have always pulled the casters off of my 2x12 to sit it flat on the floor and when I use the combo alone; it most definately sounds better sitting flat on the floor than tilted or on a stand. Maybe that's why I perceive the sound of my thieles to be a little "scooped' is that I've never used them any other way than sitting on the floor or stacked. My 2x12 halfback originally had an MC-90 in the top and (maybe I didn't give it a fair shake) I didn't find my sound with that setup. I put an EV in there after the first two nights. I have used a Mesa MS-12 in the top and really liked it. Same basic sound as the EVM but a little less cutting on the top end.