2 channel DR history - revisions, changes, etc......

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Sep 13, 2005
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I'm looking for a 2 channel DR and would like to know what has changed on that amp since it's inception. Also, do the newer ones sound that much worse than the older ones? I've read both - that there is a big difference and that there isn't.
Do a search for 'Rectifier lineage", it's been a heavily covered topic around here. There's a ton of good info.
In short, yes there ARE differences.

* 4 different circuit board revisions, C, D, F and finally current rev. G
(which includes later 2 channels and all 3 channel models)
* Output Transformer (slight difference)
* serial loop (much nicer) on early 2 channels
* attached power cable

There are slight differences in all the Rec lineage and it is subjective.

As a Mesa player who has had several 2 channel Rec's including a 99 TR, 03 SR, a 97 DR and finally my 93, I can say with complete confidence that there is a big advantage in knowing that the tone on these early
Dual Rectifiers reigns supreme. The newer 3 channels are great, alot of people love their sound, they are still great amps. I use to sell Mesa's when I worked for GC, I've heard and tested them ALL extensively.

My favorite high gain amp is still my early Holy Grail '93 Rev F/serial loop...the best to my ears....hands down, no hype !
I have played several older 2ch Duals rev D, F, and G. There are people that will tell you that the dates are important and there are those that will say certain Rackmount DR sounded better than the heads. Keep an eye out in used music stores in your area.

I just purchased a G made 3/98 and I love it. I actually got out the cam corder and did some recording for Youtube. It has that classic Tool sound that I love! I'm not sold on the tubes yet and I can definately see a different set in my future.

Be patient and watch for them. You can identify an F (probably the best bang for the buck and pretty decent serial number range as opposed to C or D) by the small logo, attached cord, and serial loop. Watch craig's list anywhere within 4 hour and ask questions of those who are selling 2ch on e-bay.

+1 on Pm'ing Elpelotero. He's a great guy(even if he is a Gator fan!) and very knowledgable on the subject.

Oh, and if you get curious like I did and actually send Mesa a note. They will answer and they will tell you that the 3ch can attain the same tones as the 2ch but the settings will be different. I'm half tempted to retube my DR with stock Mesa tubes and find someone that's wants to sit down and A/B them.
Platypus said:
PM Elpelotero, he's the 2CH DR guru around here!

correction! Boogiebabies is the guru around here!! Got to give credit where credit is due. He taught me nearly all I know, which is nothing! (next to him)

Here is the link for the Recto Lineage! Good info on that thread!

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