2:90 Line/Instrument switch

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Cedrik Menard

Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada
Yesterday I was practicing before rehearsal and after about half an hour my cab started smokin!!. I turned off the amp and unplugged everything immediately. The amp was hotter than normal. Even 2 minutes after I shut off there was still some faint smoke coming out of the speaker with a burnt plastic smell. I was pissed off. when I got home and pluged back my 2:90 in my other recto cab I noticed the Line/Instrument switch was left on the Instrument position. Is it possible that the fact that I have left the switch to the inst. position while driving the power amp with my preamp at full may have killed the speakers? Did this harm the amp? When I flipped back to the line position and played through it everything was fine. I would really appreciate some help here!!

Thanx guys!
not likely..
the line/instrument switch really has more to do with the inputs on the 2:90.. though it would make things seem louder.. the amp is still only capable of 90 watts a side.


I've toggled this option back and fourth many times and have had no such issue.


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