2:100 vs 20/20

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2006
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i just bought a 20/20.I am thinking of selling my 2:100.
The 20/20 is just so much lighter.The sound is smooth and tight.
what do you guys think?
i just took it to rehearsal.
Only thing missing is the thump.
Sounds great out louder volumes.
Just no low end thump.Would the mod correct this?
Yes the deep mod is what you're looking for.

I am about to sell my 50/50 and buy a 20/20 because it will shave at least 15 lbs off the weight of my rack case. I plan on doing the deep mod myself. This is from a review of the 20/20 on Harmony Central:

When I first got the amp, I was very dissapointed. It was very middy and lacked bottom end. At times, I'd turn around to re-check my bass/mid settings on the preamp. very frustrating. Nothing I did improved the tone. After 48 hours, I was ready to return the stupid thing. It just sounded like a low fi transistor radio.

I did a bit of research on the web and found out about this "deep" mod. The 20/20 has a high pass filter that cuts the lower bass frequencies. This is the same idea as the TS-9 pedal by Ibanez but on the 20/20, the bass cut is pretty big. The mod is pretty simple and being good in electronics, I performed the mod (simply removed C1/C3 capacitors for chA and chB respectively).

Doing the mod completely transformed the amp. The frequency response is now "normal" and not modified at the input with the filtering crap. What a difference. The amp is now alive and playing clean chords on my Strat on the neck pickup sounds like it should.
hey bro :D

let me know what you think of the 20/20 once you have done the mod.

I have been thinking about modding mine for a while now.

sir riff