1X12 Mini Rec Cabinet

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Nov 24, 2013
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I very recently got a new MR 1X12 straight back cab and I've noticed a vibration/noise/razz coming from it when I'm in the 25 watt dirty channel modern mode. It only happens when I'm palm muting the open A string on any guitar I play. Is this normal? That's the only time I notice it.
I don't think this is normal, and may not be the cab at all.

It is possible that the new speaker has a resonance that will reduce with break-in, but I would look at the amp as a possible cause. May be a microphonic tube.
Definitely not normal. You can take off the back of the cab and snug any screw or bolts that you see. But be CAREFUL with the screws that mount the speaker. Those should be only be snug (hand-tight with maybe a 1/4 with a screw driver) or you could bend the frame. Everything else should be tight.

If that doesn't help, I'd probably just return the cab and get a new one that doesn't do that.
Yeah, the fact that it only happens under one specific playing condition (palm muting the open A string) is a good indicator that it's some frequency related resonance/vibration. Do like Cardinal said and check for any loose screws (and also, like he said, don't over-tighten them) if there are any; that's the easiest and cheapest bit to rule out. I could be wrong, but I doubt it's a problem with the speaker itself (I LOVE my Mini slant cab with the V30!).
Okay I did everything as suggested and it didn't help the problem so I returned it and was just sent another one.( Sweetwater is an amazing company BTW. Customer service is top notch.)

Son of a gun if this one doesn't do the same thing. Is it me? Am I turning it up too loud? Could it be my Mini Rec as the offender? I'm upset and not sure what to do. I can't call Mesa until Monday. I just can't believe I would get 2 bad cabs. What the heck??

Again the issue is a vibration noise when I palm mute the A string or play an A note on the low E string. Yesterday I was in dropped tuning, playing chords and it was bad. The song I was playing was Outshined by Soundgarden for reference. I was testing out my son's Christmas present (HeHe) which was a Schecter Synester Gates Custom.

Oh and the cab is sitting on Berber carpeting if that helps any.
Hmmm, OK. Different cabs, different guitars, same result. Do you play with the bass really high? Regardless, try playing around with the tone stack and see what happens. Other than that, I'm out of ideas.