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  1. L

    Roadster Preamp tube layout

    Thanks so much!! :D
  2. L

    Roadster Preamp tube layout

    Hello all, I was wondering if anyone can tell me the layout of the preamp tubes in my Roadster head. (Looking at the back from left to right) What each one is designated for, can't seem to find the info in the manual. Thanks!
  3. L

    Roadster Channel Switching Noise

    Thanks guys! The amp is only 1 month old. It is popping at stage volume coming through the speakers, not just the sound of the relays. Interesting that you mentioned cycling through the channels then ending on channel 3, because it is the worst switching from 1 or 2, to 3... So I just now tried...
  4. L

    Roadster Channel Switching Noise

    Hello, I have posted about this before, my Roadster head makes loud popping noises when switching channels. Whether I am using the Mesa foot switch or using my G-System to do the switching, the popping is terrible! It was suggested to switch through all the channels multiple times when in...
  5. L

    Roadster reliability

    Ya, I will be trying that for sure, thanks!
  6. L

    Roadster reliability

    Just got my Roadster yesterday, love it, but it pops loudly when switching channels... hopefully this will work itself out. But other than that it is solid!