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  1. B

    Bad-sounding mark 5: tube-issue?

    sounds faulty, i have my gain at almost noon on the clean ch with EMGs and don't get clipping unless i play aggressively. Not enough gain on the other CH? Definitely a faulty amp/tube , i don't know your tastes, but for most metal you probably won't need to go past 2 o clock on any of the gains...
  2. B

    Man i gotta read more of the Mark I settings on the sticky

    Hey what's up man, I think i've seen you post on the ESP boards too, I had the same problem when i first demoed the mark in store. I hated ch2 especially Mark I mode. At home it was a different story. What most people have already said is true. Tone down the bass on the knobs (i have mine at...
  3. B

    Setting solo mode

    Yeah you're right. I didn't realize it because i was using it at such low volumes. I just read it in the manual. Sorry for the misinformation. Thanks.
  4. B

    Setting solo mode

    From what i understand the solo volume is like having a second output control that you can set at any level that is higher than your first output volume.It won't add volume until you go past the volume of your standard output. So you can have a quiet bedroom practice setting on the output, and...
  5. B

    Seasoned veterans of the Mark V, why should I get the Mark V

    I just recently demoed the MKV in a store and i LOVED it. I demoed a Roadster in store as well and HATED IT.I own a roadster and i love it, but in the store without my 10band eq it sounded fizzy and flubby, while the mark sounded tight, articulate, and powerful ..all this and it was stock. These...
  6. B

    Tone or skill ? What should come first ?

    while i agree with what you're saying i think you're using the wrong word here. I think you are referring to style not tone. style is in your fingers, no matter what amp you play you'll be you because of your style. Tone however changes depending on what guitars and gear you use. For...
  7. B

    Tone or skill ? What should come first ?

    skill....when you first start playing you have no idea of what good tone is, you max out the bass and high and have hte mids on zero and you think you sound exactly like why waste 2000 dollars on an amp just to do that when you can focus on your skills. Then when your playing...