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  1. M

    Looking to buy a volume pedal

    I don't currently use a volume pedal but I'm thinking of getting one that's smooth, noiseless, true bypass when not in use, and not a tone-sucker. All of my guitars are have passive pups. Any suggestions? Thanks! - Ron
  2. M

    DC5 Buzzing due to resonating cabinet?

    Yeah. I even swapped speakers thinking it might have been blown. I told Craig I was hearing a buzzing from within the EQ when I put my ear up close to it. After installing the the coil inductors, he said he put silicone around them to keep them from vibrating. Thanks, everyone, for all the...
  3. M

    DC5 Buzzing due to resonating cabinet?

    Well, I took my amp to Craig at Powerage and he fixed the problem. It turned out that on the EQ board, there were leads on two coil inductors that were broken. They were still barely touching, so when I would play the low C, the cabinet would resonate and it was was enough vibration to cause...
  4. M

    DC5 Buzzing due to resonating cabinet?

    Thanks, Blasted. Yesterday, I was browsing the Mesa Website for authorized repair technicians and noticed Powerage was on it. Good feedback from yelp. I may be giving him a call. Beats the trip to Petaluma.
  5. M

    DC5 Buzzing due to resonating cabinet?

    I just replaced V1 and V4 with the Mesa 12AX7s and also a new pair of Mesa 6L6's. I was getting some hissing and that's now gone. As far as the buzzing goes, when I hit a low C, it seems to have subsided, but it's not gone completely. By that I mean, I can still hear some buzzing coming from...
  6. M

    My DC5 doesn't seem to vary in tone.

    Just got my tubes and yup, that did the trick. Thanks.
  7. M

    My DC5 doesn't seem to vary in tone.

    I had the output at 2 1/2; master, and gain on 4 (loud bedroom volume). I'll try cranking it up at my next rehearsal. I think you're right about the tubes. I actually pulled each tube (one at a time) and re-seated them and it did sound better. But now I hear a little more hiss than before...
  8. M

    DC5 Buzzing due to resonating cabinet?

    Thanks, for the comment. I'll post a reply when I get it fixed. It may be awhile, though. - Ron
  9. M

    DC5 Buzzing due to resonating cabinet?

    Thanks, guys. I tried both of your suggestions, but no luck. Since the problem exists when I slide down the 240 and 750 EQ, I thought it might need a quick spray of contact cleaner, but still no change. Looks like I'm doomed and will have to cart it off to Petaluma. If anyone know a good...
  10. M

    DC5 Buzzing due to resonating cabinet?

    Hello. When I hit a low C on the 6th string, I get a buzzing sound that gets worse if I slide the 750 EQ to the bottom. This occurs in the clean and lead channel. If Iput my ear up to the EQ and hit the C, I can definitely hear a buzzing from within the chassis. If I sit on the cabinet the...
  11. M

    My DC5 doesn't seem to vary in tone.

    I've had my DC5 for about a month, and I'm happy with it. I use the rhythm channel exclusively for the cleans. When I turn up or down the treble, mid, or bass, there doesn't seem to be a wide variance. There's some, but not a lot, like my Fender Hot Rod Deville. I don't know how old the...
  12. M

    DC-5 Rhythm EQ without a Footswitch.

    I wondered about the discrepancy from the manual. My DC-5 has the EQ toggle switch like cb101 described. In fact it's like the illustration in the DC-10 manual - which has the "Rhythm and lead" and "Lead Only" positions.
  13. M

    Anyone else have buzz with single coils and IIC?

    You could try the backplate made by Suhr. Expensive, though. I don't have one, I only knew the product existed. Good luck.
  14. M

    DC-5 Rhythm EQ without a Footswitch.

    Hello there in DC land. I, too, just recently acquired a DC-5 and joined this forum. This is great. I traded from a DC-3 to a DC-5 to get that 6L6 sound - he wanted the EL-84 sound. So it was a win-win. I was interested in using the EQ in the Rhythm channel without a footswitch. But it...