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  1. S

    Rect-o-verb not hitting hi gain?

    Awhile back I was having problems getting gain and with my tone being too bassy. Turns out the jack on my guitar had come loose and I really hadn't noticed. Had to be something simple and stupid like that....I was replacing tubes, trying all kinds of things.
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    3Ch DR and midi switching

    BTW The G Major is a great unit. I have one and love playing around with it even though I don't gig with it anymore.
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    3Ch DR and midi switching

    I had MIDI switching on a Laney head (TT100) I had for about a year. It was awesome and so many applications, but seriously it turned out to be overkill. I feel so much better when I pare back to just clean, dirty, and solo options. If you're a guitarist in a cover band covering a LOT of...
  4. S

    2x12 or 4x12

    So to clarify, no, not all 4x12s are louder than all 2x12s, there is a lot that goes into it, most importantly things like speaker impedance, efficiency, wattage of the amplifier, and so forth. You're right you could easily have a louder 2x12 than 4x12, but all things being equal besides the...
  5. S

    2x12 or 4x12

    Are you serious? The increase in cone surface area equates to more volume. Take a db meter and set two of the same amps up, one on a 2x12 and one on a 4x12 sometime, with the same settings, and tell me which one is louder.
  6. S

    Should I get a Hotplate

    Another thing to consider is your tubes wear faster when you run something like a hot plate on them all the time. I would also agree that it makes your tone somewhat buzzier and doesn't reproduce the speaker cone movement that is basically why it sounds so cool to crank an amp. Honestly the...
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    Difference between Vintage and Modern on Rectoverb?

    On mine I definitely prefer the Vintage. I always thought of Modern as the channel you want to go to for de-tuned power chording.
  8. S

    Single Recto Problem?

    Yeah the Vintage and Raw channels are voiced very different than the Modern channel. Read the manual it helps a lot! I neglected to do this for about a year, but I unlocked a lot of great tones once I did. "Mesa amps can only take Mesa tubes" = false. Never trust anyone who works for Guitar Center.
  9. S

    What's the longest you left your amp on?

    Yeah I've left my amp on overnight until the next evening before too. Didn't seem to do anything.
  10. S

    2x12 or 4x12

    I have a hard time believing a 2x12 could ever be louder than a 4x12. The answer is easy: 4x12's are louder. They have twice as many speakers. Plus you can plug into just one side of your 4x12 if you want to play through a 2x12.
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    A plug & Play amp!!!! Please help me :P

    Yeah it all comes down to your preference. What is plug and play for some might not be for me. For instance, I had a JCM 900, the 50W Dual Reverb version and it was horrible, and I play punk in the ballpark of Nofx and Pennywise. Don't listen to the guy who said use a mark I or II because The...
  12. S

    Digitech Bad Monkey vs Maxon OD808

    I'll go on the record here since I've had both pedals. The Bad Monkey I had must have been a BAD ONE because I never got it to sound good. It sounded like an EQ pedal with all the EQ sliders pulled to negative ten. My Maxon OD808 on the other hand kills. It's so awesome such warm creamy...
  13. S

    Leave cables in the mono and stereo jacks on Mesa cabs?

    You could always call Mesa and ask...
  14. S

    Rectifier cab ohm question

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the board and this is my first post! I have a rather specific question that's been puzzling me for awhile. I play a single rectifier through a 4x12 rectifier cab. I have read the manual for my head and understand that if I hook up two 8 ohm cabs to the two 4 ohm outputs...