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  1. A

    Speaking of Footswitches....MkIIB

    Awesome looking switch! I've been thinking about doing the same for my IIa, but hadn't got around to it. Those toggle switches are a great idea, also. I was thinking about trying to do it with one cable run, but I need to find shielded 4-conductor cable and don't have any idea where to look...
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    Need info on this speaker...Celestion G12M-70

    Yeah... I have an Ampeg 2x12 extension cab with those speakers, I'm not crazy about them. They seem to be all bass and screechy treble, no midrange smoothness at all. I was going to sell them but it seems like they're only going for 60 or 70 bucks on the 'bay. My Mark IIa has the EVM12L, and...
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    I've just recapped my old mark IIb

    Wow- great job. You must have either very small hands, or a lot more patience than I do. I've worked on a lot of amps, but one look inside the chassis of my IIa and I decided to take it to my amp tech to get the cap job done. Those things are packed so tightly I don't know how anyone can work...
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    Mk IIb Reverb Ft/Switch wiring

    Harry- thanks for your help. So... my attempts to get the reverb working have been in vain. I have replaced V3 (from what I can tell V3b is the reverb send) and V4 (reverb return); cleaned all of the RCA jacks and cable plugs with DeOxit and DeOxit Gold; even tried a different RCA cable that I...
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    SD JB mud?

    I believe most of the classic LP's used 500k pots, and most modern ones used 300k pots. My '80 Custom came stock with 300k's. Seymour Duncan probably designed their pups for 250k-300k pots knowing that most of them would go into more modern instruments. That being said- I really like the 50's...
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    Mk IIb Reverb Ft/Switch wiring

    One other thing... when I finally get the reverb working, I plan to build a custom footswitch that uses a single run of four-conductor cable and has the switch for rhythm/lead, gain, and reverb all on the same box. Anyone considered this, or have any helpful tips? Seems like both footswitch...
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    Mk IIb Reverb Ft/Switch wiring

    Hey Harry- I'm trying to get the reverb working on my IIa. Which RCA plug did you replace- the one that terminates at the amp chassis or the one that terminates at the reverb tank? Did you replace the cable, or the RCA jacks? Just trying to work down the possible solutions for my...
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    SD JB mud?

    You may already know this, but... there's a lot you can do to change the sound without scrapping a $150 pickup. Just changing the pickup height can make a huge difference. As mentioned, you can try a higher value pot (I usually use 500k). You can try a lower value tone cap- assuming the stock...
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    Boss FV50H for Mark IIa loop (variable gain control)

    did you have any luck with this? Any tricks involved?
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    The Mark IIA Shined Last Night

    Bought mine about a week ago. Manufactured August 20, 1980; wood case (looks like koa?) and wicker front, eq and reverb, 100/60. Totally in love with this amp. Does the volume pedal trick work with the IIa? Can someone describe to me exactly how to hook it up?
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    Is my Mark a IIa or a IIb? how to work pedals/reverb?

    Thanks to all for your help. After checking many different sources, it appears that I do in fact have a Mark II (or IIa, as you please). The fact that it has the master drive and lead master knobs threw me for a loop; according to the Boogie files, they weren't introduced until the IIb. After...
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    Is my Mark a IIa or a IIb? how to work pedals/reverb?

    Greetings all... Mesa Mark newb here... just picked it up today. It has been sitting in a closet for 15 years and is absolutely flawless! Was taken to the amp tech a few months ago and refurbed; it sounds absolutely unreal. I am trying to determine if it is a IIa or a IIb. When I called MB...