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  1. M

    storage case for tubes?

    i keep all of mine in their boxes (extra boxes are cheap from thetubestore) and then i keep them in an army surplus ammo can. works for me.
  2. M

    Just went to GC, have some questions

    the solo is basically just another master output volume. the tone stays the same. as for anyone saying channel 3 is useless: channel 3 is what sells that amp. that's why it's popular. there is MUCH more to be found in it than just that, but thats what most people want from it. truely, if...
  3. M

    NOS: Long Plate = Microphonics?

    you're right, depends on the tube. i have used long plates in combos too. i'm just saying what the "conventional wisdom" is. as with anything, YMMV. :lol:
  4. M

    just pulled the trigger on a blue angel head

    i have indeed. no safe haven! got your Mark 5 money saved up yet? how about enough to buy me one too? 8)
  5. M


    i think every forum needs one of those!
  6. M

    NOS: Long Plate = Microphonics?

    it makes them more prone to it versus a short plate version, but none are to always be expected to be microphonic. most people assume it could happen and only use them in a head. short plates are for combos.
  7. M

    just pulled the trigger on a blue angel head

    run it over to my house so i can play with it. i know it's a few more hours worth of drive these days, but you can do it. yeah, it's me. your favorite gibson/bogner guru. lol
  8. M

    First Mark V (no, 5) photo

    ok, i'm new to the forum...... i dig some mesa amps, others i hate. i really like the Mark IV. if this is the new marketing strategy for a Mark 5 then it's already working on me. pure genius if you ask me.