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The Boogie Board

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    WTB DC-5 Combo *Updated with purchase review*

    Here is a link over at Harmony Central that tells all about my amp. Thanks for your interest Bob. [email protected] [email protected]
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    WTB DC-5 Combo *Updated with purchase review*

    i've got a DC5 for sale
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    Question about modding a Maverick

    I'd like to have the second channel of the amp voiced identical to the first channel. Anyone ever hear about someone doing this kind of Mod?
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    First year of the Dual Caliber series

    When did Boogie stop using the L.E.D. lights to show which channel is active?
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    slaveing amps

    If I want to use the power section of another amp and run it through and the pre amp section of my DC5 how do I hook it up?
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    DC5 does seem to be a little dark

    I said a little dark. It seems to have a slight mid to upper mid spike. And oddly enough it seems to give me more ear fatigue than any other amp I've owned. Has anyone noticed this as well?
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    Should I trade for my DC5 4 a Maverick, Blue Angel or 22+

    The DC5 is a great amp, but I think that you guys are right, if I want the clean sound and a killer blues tone I should go for the Maverick and maybe the Blue Angel. The ToV was the best of all worlds except it was 100 lbs. I miss all the amps I've owned over the years each had something it...
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    Footswitch for DC5

    Since you can switch Reverb, Channels & EQ on a DC5 is there a switch that will do all 3?
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    DC5 channel switching box

    My early DC5 with the single button footswitch. It glows red on the footswitch and the yellow on the amp when I am using the clean channel. And when I switch to the lead channel the footswitch goes out and the diode on the amp glows red. Is there a way to get the amp diode and the footswitch...
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    Should I trade for my DC5 4 a Maverick, Blue Angel or 22+

    Over the last nearly 40 years I've owned a bunch of Boogies (Mk I & II, SOB, Maverick, Tremoverb, and Studio 22+). I grew up in Marin and worked for the Dead, Santana and a whole bunch of other Bay Area bands using Boogies. And have known Randall since 1972. I no longer live in Marin but up in...
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    Any more resources for us DC 5 owners

    Didn't see anything in the settings category about DC -5 Cam anyone point me to some resources. Allmostawake