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  1. W


    I don't know, even though they are expernsive, MEs are more of a player's guitar, whereas the Private Stocks are generally bought and held by collectors. I think there a lot better things to spend money on than a Private Stock PRS, personally. Also, for it to be an investment, you'd have to be...
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    Roadster mods-Brit mode

    Do you want to use no pedals at all? Do you already have any pedals and just don't want to add more? I ask because I'm pretty happy wtih the tone I get out of channel 2 Brit with an OCD in the front, tone maxed, volume maxed, drive at 9:00.
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    Dirt = Death?

    I hate ants. They're doing their annual invade-the-house-during-summer thing right now and they are just everywhere. Occasionally I'll see one on my keyboard or my audio interface and stuff and I get so worried that one is going to crawl into my gear and short something. :(
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    LONESTAR DIED onstage

    I like to bring the POD as a backup since it's easy to carry around and easy to setup. Takes some tweaking beforehand though to make sure you have the tones you want dialed into a few presets.
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    Good metal pick up?

    How night and day (or not) was it when you went to the M6 from your HFS (assuming that's what you had)? I'm considering a Lundgren M7 for my 7string but they are pretty pricey to buy from USA. :( Edit: Just listened to some of your band's stuff, it's really cool! Also, your "influences" list...
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    TIny terror?

    There's a Rob Chappers full volume demo of the TT here: It is pretty loud, but I think the comment about clean headroom is correct.
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    Mark V by end of this year

    All valid points. I just don't think Mark IV owners should panic and sell necessarily, since like you said, after the initial flood, things should balance out in the used market. Grats on that McRosie btw. My 513 has an all braz rosewood+fretboard and it's pretty heavenly. I'm sure you're...
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    Mark V by end of this year

    Is that why some Mark IICs still go for over 2k? ;) I'm not convinced Mark IVs will lose much of their value, considering a) how much stuff was recorded with them and b) how anal guitarists are about precisely nailing their favorite guitarist's tone. Seems like it could go either way.
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    Will having FX Loop on with nothing into it, suck my tone?

    I wish they would have thought to put that in the Roadster manual as well. Having a Roadster I never bothered to look at the Dual Rec manuals :( There's possibly a small mention of it but it's embedded in the text about the Solo feature but this is all I can find: I'm pretty sure they're just...
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    Will having FX Loop on with nothing into it, suck my tone?

    Were you just extrapolating that from my thread about volume dropouts, or is it just common knowledge? Someone suggested it but the spirit of the comment wasn't like "gosh everyone knows this!" so I'm curious where you got that from. 8)
  11. W

    will a gforce/system/major work well in parallel fx loop?

    Well the most obvious case would be when your FX unit is just internally bypassed. After that it's just increasing amounts of difference and since the possibilities for an effect on a signal are so vast, having small (possibly unnoticeable?) bits of cancellation seems like it wouldn't be all...
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    will a gforce/system/major work well in parallel fx loop?

    yeah but it seems like it'd still theoretically possible to get some phase issues if your wet signal isn't sufficiently different from the 10% the amp is going to mix back in, so I'd think that folk who have no issues with this type of setup are just lucky for the most part, or don't notice...
  13. W

    will a gforce/system/major work well in parallel fx loop?

    How would that work, given that the amp is what is mixing the dry back in, not the processor? I mean I could see them trying to invert the dry signal and mix it into the processor's output to cancel it out the dry but even then, how could it determine the amplitude to correctly cancel the signal...
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    More Roadster volume drop-outs; please help

    I have the Send at about 50% because it was causing a delay I have to clip. Even my EQ was clipping if send was at 100%. I've got the Boss RE20 Space Echo and the MXR M108 10 band EQ. I was pretty irritated/surprised they were both clipping but turning down the Send fixed that. So it seems like...
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    More Roadster volume drop-outs; please help

    There were no other pedals in the loop and there weren't even cables connected when I noticed the problems before. I haven't done any methodical A/B testing with the hard loop bypass on to see if flipping it "Off" gets rid of the problem, but I would assume it would. I like to keep it on though...
  16. W to get a smooth creamy lead tone?

    I'm using an OCD with Ch3 vintage on my Roadster as well for that kind of sound. I think it says this in the manual, but the presence knob really seemed like the key to unlocking liquidy leads, but you need to turn it down, not up. I had been using it around 3:00 and having issues with it...
  17. W to get a smooth creamy lead tone?

    I'm using an OCD with Ch3 vintage on my Roadster as well for that kind of sound. I think it says this in the manual, but the presence knob really seemed like the key to unlocking liquidy leads, but you need to turn it down, not up. I had been using it around 3:00 and having issues with it...
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    More Roadster volume drop-outs; please help

    Just an update for the benefit of whomever was following along with this and have had similar problems (I got a couple PMs): After some exhaustive process of elimination, I figured out that the way to work around my problem is by putting a patch cable in the effects loop even if I'm not using...
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    Al DiMeola: Is it the Reeder mod?

    His right hand defies what a lot of people consider good technique, but at the same time he's an example that what people consider good right hand technique may not be correct. There's other examples of people with totally weird right hand technique who are also really good too, like Marty...
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    Who's Used Mesa 2x12 3/4 Back Cabinet?

    I'm using one with a Roadster but I haven't commented yet because I have never used anything else. It sounds pretty good to me, but other cabinets may sound better and I wouldn't know. :roll: