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  1. M

    Bold to Spongy Switching

    I'm back at school, and I didn't bring the manual with me. I am going to check the downloadable manual on the site, but I don't remember it saying anything.
  2. M

    Bold to Spongy Switching

    Hey folks, I just got a Stiletto Ace and was wondering when in Bold power mode, do I just flip the power switch to spongy? When I do that, the jewel light goes off for a millisecond obviously because I pass through the off position, but I was just wondering if this is how I'm supposed to do it...
  3. M

    I never really understood what it was all about until now

    That sums it pretty well. I have yet to deal with them, as I just got the amp, but from the sounds of everyone else's experiences, I bet I will be treated well.
  4. M

    I never really understood what it was all about until now

    That's a good point...they don't have to be as attentive any more because they have established themselves so much, but they still are. Thanks for the welcome too :D happy to be here
  5. M

    I never really understood what it was all about until now

    I have been a Peavey 5150/6505+ user for about five and a half years. For the last year though, I really wasn't happy with the amp and was researching for a new one. I finally decided on a Stiletto Ace 2X12 combo. Besides the fact that it sounds awesome and looks great, the things that came...