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  1. batflash

    Clean Channel...removing bright cap?

    I thought about switching out the bold switch for a 3-way cap toggle. I keep the bold always on anyway. Something like 1 cap value with a resistor, another cap value and resistor, and no cap. Would be a fun, little, reversible mod. My other thought was drilling the chasis and printing out a...
  2. batflash

    Clean Channel...removing bright cap?

    @DECEMBER Great write up! I wonder if the transformer they use in the Marks make any difference to the low end. Or maybe it's just how they designed the filter network. I've got a small 40w Victory Countess (now called Jack) that has such a girth on the lows, it makes the clean notes pop. But...
  3. batflash

    Clean Channel...removing bright cap?

    Maaaan, the Badlander was on my list for a while there. I was worried that I was going to encounter the same issue with ODs. I had fun with it the store, however I kept telling myself, "you know the Mark can just about do whatever this can do if you just tweak it some more". The Fillmore was...
  4. batflash

    Clean Channel...removing bright cap?

    @DECEMBER & @Eevil , I was going to go on a long tirade about how sound is in the ear of the beholder, but really, ALLLLL my other amps sound great with pedals, so why can't this one too? If there's an easy mod I can do to solve that issue, then why not? Anyway, @shredgd I came back here to...
  5. batflash

    Clean Channel...removing bright cap?

    The BOLD still responds like it typically does with that extra low mid girth. The Clean and Fat channels also play a lot better, in my opinion. They've always been lower gain and volume, so I had a tendency to push the gain on those past noon anyway. Remember that pushing the gain past noon, you...
  6. batflash

    Clean Channel...removing bright cap?

    Just reporting back here about my Clean Channel troubles. I removed the C7 cap AND swapped the stock 250k treble pot for a 100k linear(B) pot. HOLY SMOKES! What a difference! The lower value pot narrows the range of the treble, making the twist of the knob more forgiving and easier to dial...
  7. batflash

    Clean Channel...removing bright cap?

    I just got around to doing this yesterday. Mind. Blown. It's sounds so much better now, and the predictability of the channel is better as well. Essentially, when you turn the gain down with the stock cap there, all highs at a louder volume are present, so the frequency response of the channel...
  8. batflash

    Mark V 90 EQ Mod?

    Hello, What would it take to change the values of the frequencies on the Mark Graphic eq?. Is it as simple as swapping out the inductors to other values? Specifically, I'd like to raise the value of the 6600hz and lower the value of the 80hz to about 8khz and 65hz, respectively. Alternately...
  9. batflash

    Clean Channel...removing bright cap?

    Angle, Thanks for the insight on this one. I'm noticing that my clean channel is also harsh, fizzy, and sizzly when using overdrive pedals. Did the removal of C39 help reduce fizziness on Channel 1? Do you have a link in regards to this mod? Do you or have you tried other values of caps, if...
  10. batflash

    Mark V:35 Reverb Not Working / Schematic Wanted

    Well, just found a Crack in the transformer casing. I wonder if that's the culprit. Any suggestions of replacements? How are Revisit Transformers? Any other manufacturers?
  11. batflash

    Mark V Reverb Issue / PCB Parts Placement?

    Curious if you made any progress on your reverb issue. I'm having problems on my Mark V 35. Getting output on the tank, but nothing is going in. Thanks, J
  12. batflash

    Mark V:35 Reverb Not Working / Schematic Wanted

    Hey all, I'll keep it kinda short and simple. New owner of a used'ish Mark V:35 head. The reverb does not work. Originally received the amp with broken springs, so I replaced the can with an Accutronics BL3AB3C1B. -Tap on the springs and sound comes out. So it's wired correctly and the...