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  1. V

    The price of Mark series amps these days. thoughts?

    That highly manipulated garbage is still pretty standardized way in the EU and US to calculate inflation. It is average and as we buy different things, on personal level it can be something different, but I think if you really would calculate it for you based on what you consume, it would not be...
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    Mark iii re-cap and mods

    Are you sure you need to recap? Does the amp hum excessively? I just did a recap for studio .22 just for the heck of it. Bias caps were really fried and needed replacing. After I got the filter caps out i measured them and those gave better results than new f&ts, so it was complete waste of...
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    The price of Mark series amps these days. thoughts?

    Official figures are 33% during last decade and 23% between 2019-2024. Fully loaded mkIII was around 1000usd in 1985, so 3k of today’s money. That in mind 2k for used in decent condition is not that bad, but those can be had for less. Here in europe mk3s are not as readily available than ten...
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    Mark II simul-class switchable to 60watt mod?

    Take out the outer pair. Doing that though might make audible the fact that inner pair is biased so cold that cross-over distortion is present. I think usually that’s not audible because the outer pair is making up for that. That is particularly good option if you have not fixed the bias issue...
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    REISSUE Rumor: Mark IIC+ and 2ch Recto

    It does not add up. When Mesa released the user manual for mk3 they specifically stated only el34s shall be used for the outer sockets. Dont know which revision this was as they did not have version control for the document nor date/year on the manual. My mark 2 simulclass did ship with quad of...
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    REISSUE Rumor: Mark IIC+ and 2ch Recto

    The customer communication is pure gibson-gold. Or comedy-gold. If the use of el34 will void the warranty, they know the transformer cant handle the marginally higher heater current of el34. Remember the bias will be lower with el34 and anyway the bias will only impact the tube-life, amp does...
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    REISSUE Rumor: Mark IIC+ and 2ch Recto

    So ok. Mesa originally started suggesting el34 tubes for the outer sockets because modern 6L6Gc tubes could not take the punishment of the simul-class. That is simply because the outer pair is not cathode biased "class A" where you can sustain 100% plate dissipation, but in fact it is class A/B...
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    REISSUE Rumor: Mark IIC+ and 2ch Recto

    I’ve never had that issue under any even remotely reasonable use conditions with any of my marks or any amps for that matter. Microphonic tubes yes, but that is fixed with tube replacement which wasnt the case atleast in that multipart video where new tubes were tried. Even in the case of...
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    REISSUE Rumor: Mark IIC+ and 2ch Recto

    I think the main thing would be the plate voltages both on the inner Class AB pair and on "Class A" (which is not class A despite the marketing). :D Seeing that they ship with 4x6L6GC it's quite likely the output section is not identical to 2C+.
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    REISSUE Rumor: Mark IIC+ and 2ch Recto

    I'd say it was likely part of the agreement that Randal stays over the transition period. Which he did. But I am 100% sure that at the time weasel (Cezar something, gibson CEO) started selling the idea of mesa acquisition to gibson owners, the mk2c+ was one of the strategic pilars in his...
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    REISSUE Rumor: Mark IIC+ and 2ch Recto

    Mike B. is not getting any credit on the development which I find a bit odd. So far the story has been that it was Mike B. who modified the IIC with the input from Doug West without involvement from Randal Smith. Is this because this isnt true, gibson wants for marketing purposes utilize...
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    Mesa Boogie Transformers: Questions and History

    Isnt it quite likely that under normal load, these wont sag in any meaningful way i.e. those provide enough current for the circuit? My export mkiii tranny puts out similar voltage to those magical ones. If the x105 would be mandatory for the magical 2c+ goodness, none of the export models would...
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    REISSUE Rumor: Mark IIC+ and 2ch Recto

    If not then it’s not reissue, merely look-alike. They are not using similarly spec’d tranny if it cannot take the higher heater current of the el34. And if now they are shipping with current production 6L6 that’s also a sign it’s not 1:1 copy of the original. Remember last time around they...
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    Mark iii - Help me turn my Blue stripe into a Red stripe PLEASE !!!

    What did you exactly tried to realise it doesn't turn into red stripe? Some very brave individual has put together all the schematics and layouts. Talk about dedication. Here: Just spot the differences on the schematics...
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    Mark iii Blue Stripe 60w gain and volume loss on lead channel.

    Isnt the outlet pair just your typical push-pull configuration with bias set high (well, too high)? If this is not the case, why Mesa recommends to use el34 in that spot and/or recommend tubes rated for lower bias current? So essentially they recommend the very same thing I did, bring the max...
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    Mark iii Blue Stripe 60w gain and volume loss on lead channel.

    My mark simul class was running the outer pair around 90%. I adjusted the bias to cool down the outer pair. So like quite the opposite from your argument people biasing too hot. Inner pair was something stupidly low, that i raised 45-50%. I have old Mesa labelled sylvania tubes and for me i does...
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    Mark iii Blue Stripe 60w gain and volume loss on lead channel.

    so 45ma means something like 20w plate dissipation. Pretty high for el34 but not alarming for 6L6GC. Dont know what you’re using. The fact that there is a loss of both volume and saturation is why I cant see it being the reverb. Reverb comes along later in the circuit. Check wiring off the...
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    Mark iii Blue Stripe 60w gain and volume loss on lead channel.

    Is there a technical reason behind why you dont recommend adjustable bias in Mark amps? Atleast simulclass amps run the outer pair really hot while inner pair is really cold. I think for tube longevity and tone it makes sense to bias marks.. Op, Check (clean&retension) also tube sockets.
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    Dual rectifier FX problem with SOLO and OUTPUT

    I really like your attitude. So many times problem is shared, the fix is not. Can you please elaborate this part: ".. and previously and this time to bridge with the wire and return the output knobs and only came back to life." Based on this description I'm not sure what the problem was but...
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    Dual Rectifier characterizations

    Good old 3ch dual recto would be my choise. Those can be had for next to nothing. BUT, I was not pleased how it came from the factory. It was muddy, boomy and if you tried to make it brighter, it was wrong kind of brightness and it was still lost in the mix. I stared the schematics for few...