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  1. E

    Vocal Harmonizers

    I was using a Digitech Vocalist Live 2 until very recently, in a band situation they are useless, at rehearsal levels the spill from my amps, the bass amps and the drums would send the unit nuts, I ended up sounding like a Smurf on helium. Waste of time but ideal if you play acoustically (if you...
  2. E

    Dynamic Duo's... Whats yours?

    1960 Jazzmaster (my battered one) 1973 Hiwatt DR103
  3. E

    Can i run a 150W Stiletto Trident to a 2x12 140W recto cab??

    In short - Yes, without any problems. But....If you run the Stiletto VVVV loud you will experience problems. A 140W cab will be able to handle more than the specified rating for short periods of time. As with any amp / speaker combination, as you crank the amp the overall tone changes, you may...
  4. E

    How can I tighten up my DR?

    Try switching the rectifier valves for GZ34's My TOV sounded as loose as an old sock with the stock valves.
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    How to test LDR's?

    Looking at the schematic the LDR's are shown as a NO contact. These contacts will go NC with +VE. Set your Ohmeter to continuity, failing that set to lowest ohm range available, they will show as a short with +VE. I have no idea at what current / voltage the LDR's will switch.
  6. E

    Can I switch cabs with the amp in Standby?

    Switching cabs with the amp in standby mode is fine. I would recommend waiting for 5 seconds or so before removing the lead from the cab.
  7. E

    Wow what a difference from Silicon Diodes to Vacuum Tubes

    My Tremoverb came with the original 5U4's installed, get the volume anywhere past 4 and all farts let loose, switched to JJ GZ34's and now it is as smooth as silk, the break up is more controllable and the top end fizz has all but gone. 5U4's (despite the ridiculous size) can't handle anywhere...
  8. E

    Is this normal...?

    Is it normal for - A - The vintage high channel to be much quieter than the clean channel and.... B - The modern high gain channel to be much quieter than the blues channel Not just a little difference in volume, but a ridiculous, massive difference. Amp is a Tremoverb. Also, does anybody...
  9. E

    Background Noise

    The noise is an electronic transformer kind of hum. Could it something to do with the fact that it is a US amp that I have just imported to the UK? 110v amp on 240v mains (I am using a step down transformer). I did notice it when it was quiet, it wasn't so noticeable when playing loud, it is...
  10. E

    Background Noise

    Hello, Could anyone tell me if their Tremoverb is as noisy as a noisy thing in a very quiet room. I have never used such a noisy amp, I have been using valve (note valve.....not tube!!) for 20 years and have used and owned pretty much every brand from off the shelf to boutique you care to...
  11. E

    Newbie + Tech Question - Tremoverb

    Thanks for the replies, I have managed to find a schematic for the Tremoverb. It appears to reflect what 'dropped_2_c' has says. Switched either way it shorts either the LIVE or NEUTRAL to ground (you Americans with your crazy mains supply...!!!!), neither of these would ber advisable here in...
  12. E

    Newbie + Tech Question - Tremoverb

    Hello All, Belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. I am a new member of the forum and this is my first post......please go easy on me..!!! I am a 3rd time Mesa owner (Triaxis many years ago then a Tremoverb 2x12 combo), I have recently purchased a Tremoverb Recto head from the US...