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  1. J

    Quad Preamp - 220v/240v?

    No difference... It's like the US models with 110/120V transformers.
  2. J

    Power transformer for European Voltage (220V) for studio pre

    Hey! Yeah, I'm the one! How's it going? I still have the Vetta you know! And it's still working flawlesly! So anyway, you would recommend an at least 150w external power transformer eh? Anything else I should look out for? Any filters perhaps that the P.T should have?
  3. J

    Power transformer for European Voltage (220V) for studio pre

    Hello and merry Christmas everybody! I bought a studio preamp from ebay and I'm waiting for it to come to me... It has a US tranformer for 110V but here in Greece we have 220V so I was wondering what power transformer I should use with it. I thought I shouldn't try to change the internal power...
  4. J

    Triaxis V1

    Of course I will do that, it's just that when you buy new gear and you can't actually use it for a few days, you just have to ask these silly questions :oops: Anyway, thanks for the suggestions.
  5. J

    Triaxis V1

    Well guys, I just bought of ebay a studio pre amp! I do love that IIC and IIC+ sound, so I guess it was the way to go, since I do prefer simplicity and all analogue sound chains... My only concern, since I haven't heard it before, can it deliver really nice high gain sounds? Do you think it will...
  6. J

    Triaxis V1

    Thanks a lot for your help! So, you have the v1 right? I'm just confused a little bit if I should buy the V1 or just wait till I find a nice deal on a V2... You see I don't have the chance to go in a music store here and try one out (and besides even if I did, they wouldn't have the V1). The...
  7. J

    Triaxis V1

    Hello everyone. I'm thinking of buying a used triaxis V1 S/N: 026xx I've read the differences between the v1 and v2 and since I don't really care for the cc thing, I was wondering what's the difference tonewise... If anyone has the V1 triaxis, please tell me what kind of sound I will get from...