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  1. M

    110 to 240v?

    So if I got a stepdown transformer, how many watts will it have to be to run the amp safely? Edit: Will this be suitable?
  2. M

    110 to 240v?

    So I've been reading up on this and apparently some amplifiers/transformers can be 'internally rewired' to run 240V. Can this be done with a MarkIV?
  3. M

    110 to 240v?

    Thanks for the reply. Yeah, well I bought a digitech 2112 a few years back and had a guy convert it to 240v. I realise it'd be different with a MarkIV, but if it doesn't end up costing a fortune I'd rather do that than lug around a stepdown transformer.
  4. M

    110 to 240v?

    So I just purchased a MarkIV combo from the states, which I plan to use in Australia. I'm wondering whether I can get a tech to put a 240V transformer in it, or whether I'll have to get a step-down transformer or what? If anyone has experience please give me some advice. Thanks alot, James.
  5. M

    WTB: MarkIII combo in Australia.

    Title says it all. If you have a MarkIII combo in Australia (or NZ), please PM me. Thanks alot.