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The Boogie Board

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  1. C

    EV 12L

    I've tried out a lot of speakers in my Boogie. For years I was on a quest for the perfect Boogie speaker. I tried Celestions, EVs, many Eminence models etc. The EVs were my favorites. Nothing beat the sound of the EVM-12L BLACK LABEL in the Boogie. Very rich, lively, and dynamic. Plenty of...
  2. C

    Post your rig part 2

    Here's my S.O.B. Here are some recordings that feature this S.O.B. Boogie. I sing and play guitar in a band called the Fitzroy Terrors;
  3. C

    Best speaker for S.O.B. combo

    I think I'm going to take your advice. Wish me luck!
  4. C

    Best speaker for S.O.B. combo

    Wasn't very impressed with the Celestion G12H-100. Not much bottom end. Kind of gritty on the top. Oh well, the search continues.
  5. C

    Son of a Boogie

    Thanks for checking out the track! No pedals, just straight into the amp. For the recording enthusiasts, the amp was set on a chair in the middle of a 15' x 15' room. I used three microphones. One on axis in the middle of the cone, one on the back, and a PZM mic 5 feet away on the floor...
  6. C

    Best speaker for S.O.B. combo

    Just bought a second hand Celestion G12H-100 for $125. I'm about to install it. I'll let you know how it goes...
  7. C

    Son of a Boogie

    Here's a recording I made of a song called Aura. Listen for the solo and you'll hear the S.O.B. shining!
  8. C

    Best speaker for S.O.B. combo

    Interesting. The EVM-12L and the C90 seem like the classics. I take it that both of those speakers are 8 ohms? I'd love to test drive those speakers in my S.O.B.
  9. C

    Best speaker for S.O.B. combo

    Tried out the 8 ohm Eminence Wizard speaker. It was a bit louder sounding. The sound improved somewhat with burn in time but it didn't sound nearly as sweet as the EV Force 16 ohm speaker plugged into the amp's 8 ohm output. I put the EV back into the amp. Much better! There's a juicy...
  10. C

    Son of a Boogie

    With all this talk about power tubes I just changed mine. Put in some new GT6L6CHPs. They sound great. Much like the GT6L6Ss but fresher. It's hard for me to compare the sound of the S.O.B. to a famous guitar player's sound. It has a sound of it's own. Throaty, rich, expressive but not...
  11. C

    Son of a Boogie

    I'm talking about GT-6L6C. I sat down once and tried out all the Groove Tube 6L6 types back to back. Also tried Mesa Brand, Sovteks, and Fender. Mind you, this was a few years back but the GT-6L6C was the best sounding tube for the S.O.B. I purchased a pair with a rating of 7. I would go for...
  12. C

    Son of a Boogie

    Love the SOB combo. It's got a tone that you'll never tire of. Juicy. Use the Groove Tubes Sylvania 6L6s. This amp is something special.
  13. C

    Best speaker for S.O.B. combo

    Hi everyone, I've been playing and enjoying an early 80's S.O.B. open back combo. I believe it's around 50 watts. I'd like to put a better 12" speaker in it. I've been using an EV Force 16 Ohm speaker plugged into the 8 Ohm output. Maybe that's why I'm not getting as much loud clean volume...