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The Boogie Board

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  1. V

    boogie character + descent ringout of delays etc (mix level)

    thanks jon i will give it a try and start messing with the signalpath soon as possible
  2. V

    switching from 6l6 to el34 on my dual rectifier ????

    Sometimes i would like a bit more creamier smoother sound especially while playing solo's. I like the thickness of the dual rectifier but sometimes it's a bit too cold for me. Should i equip my dual recto with el34's. What will this cost and do i only need to flip the switch at the backside of...
  3. V

    boogie character + descent ringout of delays etc (mix level)

    Hope you guys can help me out here ! I find it hard to maintain the powerfull sound of my dual rectifier without losing the influince of my effects from my effects processor. I have my send level on my dual recto maximized and the mix is at about 30% just to blend it. With this setting i need...