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  1. D

    Distortion buzz on the Dual Recto

    I had the same problem, but changed to JJ ECC83 and 6L6GC tubes and it went away like that. Almost useless (to me anyway) before and great after. Almost night and day difference. I would highly recommend talking to Bob at
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    Damage Control

    Hello, I don't know which ones you are referring to, but I have both the Womanizer and Demonizer and use them both to boost my 3 channel DR with JJ tubes with a 2x12 Dr cab. I have A/B tested them agaist the Fulltone OCD (v2), Keeley SD-1, Keeley Katana, Keeley Compressor and I think that...
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    Graphic EQ tone adjustments: a basic tutorial

    Hello Chris. Thanks for another great post. Do you know the center frequencies of the tone knobs on the 3-channel Dual Rectifier? Best regards, Dan
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    Recto 1x12 vs. Thiele 1x12

    Hello, I'm planning to buy a pair of 1x12s to complement my 2x12 Recto cab for a wet/dry/wet setup. Anyone who has A/B'ed these cabs and could help highlight some similarities and differences between them? Looking for a deep, fat, smooth sound for rock & bluesrock (which I'm getting exactly...
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    EL34 loaded DR differs from a Stiletto how?

    How will it be different though? More like a Marshall-like sound or voicing? I really like the attack, the tone/voicing of the DR with JJ preamp and 6L6 tubes but I am wondering what EL34s would do beyond potentially making it tighter. Never liked Marshalls - in particular the attack. I'm...
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    I my humble opinion I suggest not listening to those who suggest you cannot get a sweet, warm lead sound ala Santana from a DR. You may not get it from a typical DR setup with stock mesa tubes and/or V30 speakers though. I don't know the Govenors. With a DR with JJ 6L6s, an EQ and/or a boost...
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    Boss GT-3 And a Triple Recto

    I am currently running my 3-channel DR with a GT-8 and am extremely happy with the setup. Before the GT-8 I have had the GT-6, GT-5 and GT-3, and I think the base sound from all these is the same. I'm using the EQ and the compressor to create sparkling, punchy cleans that noone will believe can...
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    HELP. haha. trying to get rid of high freq. (Fizz)

    I bought my 3 ch DR with a DR 2x12" Horizontal about 3 months ago and quickly decided something needed to be done to get rid of hizz. First I went from using the DR 2x12" to using a 2x15" cabinet. This got rid of some of the hizz, rounded out the sound and made it a lot fatter and deeper -...
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    Bass cab with roadster/recto

    May not be exactly what you are askring for but anyway.. I have not tried a mesa/boogie bass cab, but I'm using my 3-channel DR with JJ tubes with a 70s 2x15" Peavey bass cabinet and it sounds absolutely fantastic. Gone is any high end buzz and left is an extremely deep, fat, sweet...