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The Boogie Board

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  1. A

    Tone or skill ? What should come first ?

    I think that both are important: If you suck at playing, then your 10000 $ gear won't save you. But, if you are a really awesome player, then maybe you deserve somethiing better than a Squier and a 15W solid state amp. So, both things must grow up together: as you get better on guitar, you...
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    The Official DC Club

    Here I am, I have a DC-2, don't know the year though...
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    DC-2 Speaker

    Hi guys, I have a Mesa DC-2 and I would like to know what kind of speaker it should have (I think it has never been changed) Also, I usually put an MXR 10 band eq in the loop to boost Bass and Treble, and I cut a bit (very little) the Mids... The tone I get is really powerful, but is there any...
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    Dual Rectifier

    I would like to buy a DR.. but here in Italy it's hard to find them in the shops... I don't even know if I should buy a 3channel one or the old model with 2 channels.. which one is better ? Also, could someone please post some clips so I get an idea about how they sound? I have a Les Paul.
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    DC-2 + Preamp problems

    A friend of mine told me that the problem should be the electric tension, which must be constant. When there are peaks of tension, the amplifier sounds louder and brighter. In fact, to me the problem only happened with storms outside...
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    DC-2 + Preamp problems

    Hi guys, I'm new here. I have a Mesa Boogie DC-2 Studio Caliber. I love its sound but I also want a different one... and I bought a marshall preamp. I use it in this way: Guitar-> Marshall Preamp -> Return of DC-2 (with FX MIX at 100%) so it skips the DC-2 preamp. It works fine, but...