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  1. X

    ROV V2 channel 2 vintage help.

    Jerry Cantrell kind of tone. I play ESP Horizon with SD JB.
  2. X

    I tried a mark V and couldn't dial it in.

    The cab was a Marshall with greenbacks and CL80's I just could not get the tone out of it I've heard in the JP clinic on youtube. I took screenshots of the settings so I know they were correct. Made me very hesitant and want to stick with my recto. Do you think it was the cab?
  3. X

    ROV V2 channel 2 vintage help.

    I need some help getting a good lead tone. It sounds more muffled than the modern setting. I use a TS upfront. Could somebody help me out?
  4. X

    Looking for a new guitar (LTD MH-1000 ?)

    Hi all, after 8 years with my PRS custom 22 white fat neck I'm looking for something new. I was just looking for something with a thinner neck, 24 frets and a Floyd Rose. Well I think Ibanez has wonderful necks, they are too thin for me. I tried Schecter's, played Gibson's in the past, but not...
  5. X

    Rect-o-verb v2 lead tone

    I'll take a look at your posts. Mids are down due to suggestion in the manual on lead tones.
  6. X

    Rect-o-verb v2 lead tone

    Recently I was on a search to get good sustain and a fat lead tone from my rect-o-verb. First I replaced the tubes with the help of Then changed the Dragon II's out my PRS for Seymour Duncan hot rodded humbuckers. Again, better but not quiet there. Next TS808 Chinese copy...
  7. X

    guitar for metal thats got some really good chunk.

    I'll throw my vote in for PRS, my Ibanez has left its case once since 2004 after buying my Custom 22.
  8. X

    Picked up a ROV

    50 watt combo.
  9. X

    fx loop bypass

    I hate to hijack this thread however i just have one question that is related. Pretty much I only run Wah and delay. I ended up picking up an Ibanez AD9. Right now I'm running it after my Wah, any real advantage to put it in the loop?
  10. X

    Pick up choice for Rectifiers

    +1 I noticed this with in 5 minutes of playing mine together.
  11. X

    Picked up a ROV

    I think I'm just gonna an AD9 or DD6 to it and be done with it.
  12. X

    Picked up a ROV

    I ended up finding a super good deal on a ROV, $900 still under warranty and looks brand new. Has all the paper work original reciept etc... plus 3 sets of extra tubes. Anyway I love it, took it to band practice the day i got it, took me about 5 mins to dialed it in. Just guitar -> Wah ->...
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    PRS on order

    When I say I wouldnt trade my PRS for any other guitar, I mean it, I really love the way it sounds and plays. Did you try Willcutt Guitars? They always have a nice selection.
  14. X

    Delay (Boss DD-6 vs Ibanez AD9)

    Basically I've only ever played with digital delay, I was just wondering how much the extra's come in useful on the Boss pedal.
  15. X

    Delay (Boss DD-6 vs Ibanez AD9)

    I'm trying to decide between these 2 pedals anybody have any experiances to relate or suggestions?
  16. X

    Mesa Rect-O-Verb Single Rectifier MINT w/Pro Flight Case

    A couple of years left on the warranty? 6L6 Tubes? Blackshadow speaker?
  17. X

    help, i'm a mesa noob

    Do you remember what the settings on the amp were? It makes a big difference, as for my experiance if you put everything at high noon then start making very slight adjustments youre better off. As for the sound i fell in love with it was a Rectoverb on modern: Gain 3:00, Treble 1:00, Bass...
  18. X

    help, i'm a mesa noob

    The F-50 has been discontinued, the express has a cool feature of being able to only run in 5 watt mode. There are a few other differences like the voicing, but the express replaced the F series.
  19. X

    Rect-o-Verb from GuitarCenter

    After going and playing some rigs, I think I'm going to go with the RoV it fits my needs perfectly. My rig will be really straight forward Boss DD3 delay, Ibanez Weeping Demon, and a flange of some sort that I havent decided on. Thanks again for all the advice.