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  1. R

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  2. R

    Mesa STR-415's?

    Have you considered the TAD 6L6WGC-STR (special tube request Shuguang designed by TAD)? Supposedly, they breakup a bit earlier and are chock full of vintage tone. Pricing is fair, too.
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    Guitar Magazines

    Whenever I first got into playing, they were my main resource for lessons and information related to new gear. The prices seemed to creep up and I eventually cancelled my subscriptions. Between forums, Youtube and online tabs, I have no need for them.
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    Mesa STR-415's?

    I believe Mesa/Boogie STR-415s are relabeled Philips/Sylvania 6L6GCs. High quality tubes with great tone and very long life.
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    Ip and Gm values for mesa El34

    I am not sure of the values off the top of my head, but if you buy your tubes from a dealer like or, they can get you tubes in the proper range if you tell them what amp they will be going into.
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    Mark IV squealing noise on lead channel

    Are you playing with the Mid-gain or Harmonics voicing? Whenever I start turning the volume up, Mid-gain almost becomes a useless mess of feedback for me. Otherwise, your gain and drive settings don't look too high. Perhaps you have a 12AX7 in the preamp that is becoming noisy?
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    How come I don't have 12AX7 tubes

    If you don't have 12AX7s/ECC83s or some other preamp tube in the amp, it would not be operational. There should be cylindrical metal tubes that are on top of the chassis of the amp, in front of the larger power tubes. These are preamp tubes covers that help shield the tubes from sources of...
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    What album are you listening to?

    I have had Weather Report's Mr. Gone playing a lot lately. Just something about that album that does it for me.
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    FX loop levels - weird

    How's it going dude? Yeah, haven't been on in quite a while, but decided to start posting again since I acquired yet another MKIV (this is three or four? :lol: ). I see you grabbed a MKV, nice! How do you like it?
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    Markiii simul class retube,old question sorry.

    Same here. Multiple re-tubes and never a bad experience. They also offer great advice regarding tube selection for specific tones.
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    FX loop levels - weird

    I'm typically not the biggest proponent of using an OD in the loop; they are best suited for boosting the front of the amp. You may consider trying an outboard graphic EQ in place of the OD: You could use this to boost the signal and the midrange for solos. It won't be so hot in the loop.
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    MKIVb with MXR Noise Clamp in loop question.

    Compressors and Delays aren't typically noisy pedals in my experience. You can always try it in the loop, but I have always had good experience from simply running one out front. Plus it's that much simpler to set up for gigs and practice.
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    MKIVb with MXR Noise Clamp in loop question.

    With the Noise Clamp, you just run a simple setup: Guitar -> Noise Clamp Input -> Amplifier's Input (via the Noise Clamp's Output) You then have the option of doing the following: Noise Clamp Send -> Wah -> Overdrive -> Noise Clamp Return I do not believe you can do the four cable method...
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    Mark IV Pull Shift

    I really like the sound of the pull shift on the Lead channel. I never used it in the past, but now that my playing has gone in a less aggressive direction, it's beneficial. Tweed/Pentode/Class A with the pull shift offers a pretty nice lead tone, at least to my ears.
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    TC Electronic Corona & Flashback Delay

    I enjoy my Flashback: It's simple to use and sounds very nice with my Mark IV. That said, it might not be the best delay for live playing due to the adjustments needed to switch features and the unique way of setting tempo. If you only use one delay type (like me, I love the tape setting) it...
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    Mark IV Lead Channel Problem

    I have also done a quick recording showing the tone I am experiencing: The clip goes through channel 1, channel 2 and the lead channel playing the same chords and notes. The second series of single notes for each channel is palm muted.
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    Mark IV Lead Channel Problem

    Hey guys, I grabbed a pretty hardwood/wicker Mark IV combo and received it yesterday; however, I am having some issues on the lead channel. I know this is a long post, but I want to completely share all of my findings/actions to see if anyone can think of anything, or recommend any other steps...
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    Caring for hardwood/wicker shells

    Thank you for the suggestions, guys.
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    Mark IV issue (FX Loop related?)

    It definitely sounds as if there is a problem with the loop or the G-System. I think the simplest place to start is cleaning the effects loop jacks on the MKIV as well as the jacks on the G-System. Something like Deoxit will work perfectly for this. You may also want to swap the V2 preamp...
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    Caring for hardwood/wicker shells

    Hey guys, I have another MKIV headed my way in wood/wicker and I was wonder: What do you guys use to take care of the hardwood/wicker? The amp is being sent from a humid environment to Phoenix, AZ, so I want to be sure to stay on top of conditioning the wicker to minimize cracking. I have a...