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  1. M

    Triaxis levels difference between modes

    The Rythym modes are very dynamic. Lot's of headroom. when the overdriven modes are selected they become more compressed. I have noticed this when a VU meter has been placed on the output. The Rhythym modes "peg" the meters and the lead modes when overdriven will run about -10dB for the same...
  2. M


    Another thing to try is tube substitions. Amazing the difference that tubes have on the tone. With Humbucking pickups I felt the Triaxis to be too heavy in the low mid/ bass range. I could never thin it out to let the treble through. A journey into different makes/ type of tubes has gotten me...
  3. M

    Triaxis + 2:90 Question

    I measured the pots on the Triaxis AND the 2:90 and they are linear taper. Don't know why Mesa would do this as it is difficult to "dial-in" the sweet spot volume wise. I set the Tri at 12:00 and also use the 2:90 for volume. The 2:90 pots are too sensitive as well. I ended up rewiring the...
  4. M

    Cleanest Tone Settings on Triaxis

    What settings/ modes are you guys using to get your favorite cleanest tones using humbucking or single coil pickups?
  5. M

    Gain in Rythym Modes

    At what gain settings do you all notice that overdriven tone starts to appear in the Rythtm modes using humbucking pickups and an 12AX7 (ECC83) in the V2 position? Pick attack is a factor, but also using moderate picking. I have EMG pickups and start to hear the overdrive around a gain...
  6. M

    Technical OPA2134 question

    I swapped the IC3 back to the stock TL072 ordered from Mesa. Same difference with what seems early overdrive in the rythym modes. NOw I am confused. I am going to try an OPA2604 this evening.
  7. M

    Technical OPA2134 question

    Thanks for the replies guys. Appreciate it. The testing measurements came from the top side of the newly installed IC socket with the IC removed. The old chip was a ***** to remove. Cut the pins off the original chip and used a solder wick from both sides of the board to clean up the...
  8. M

    Technical OPA2134 question

    Checked all connections with an Ohmeter with schematic in hand, and all test good. Tested voltage supply and it was dead-on. Perhaps a bad chip. Perhaps the OPA2134 just not a good match for the Triaxis. Will try another OPA2134PA as soon as can be ordered.
  9. M

    Technical OPA2134 question

    I swapped the stock IC3 for a Burr Brown the oher night. It took about 3 hours all said and done. What I have found is that the clean tones do open up quite a bit. There is a lot of "air" present that was stiffled before. However, it is apparent that the chip overdrives at a MUCH lower...
  10. M

    DeSoldering IC3

    Thank you Disassembled. I was going to try a solder sucker from the bottom, but in order to get solder off the top traces, I will need to get it pretty hot and the IC may suffer. When you soldered the IC socket in, was it a solder from the bottom side only, or did you need to soler the top...
  11. M

    DeSoldering IC3

    OK. I am convinced the swap of the TI chip for a Burr Brown is a worthwhile endeavor. For someone who has done this, can you remove the current IC by desoldering from the bottom of the circuit board? There are traces on both sides, but the top component side of the circuit board is very busy...
  12. M

    Anyone know why 8 TL072 Opamps in Triaxis?

    oops. 8 modes.
  13. M

    Anyone know why 8 TL072 Opamps in Triaxis?

    Ah. Thank you very much for the insight. Learning more and more about this amp all the time. If one is to devote this much time and effort into such an instrument, it is nice to know that the instrument is worthy of such devotion. It has taken quite a bit of time to learn the intricacies of...
  14. M

    Anyone know why 8 TL072 Opamps in Triaxis?

    Number IC1 - IC8 ? On the main Audio Board?
  15. M

    Anyone replace the electrolytics in the TriAxis?

    DO you have anymore information as to which capacitors you replaced?
  16. M

    Triaxis OpAmp (s)

    I have read the posts about swapping the stock IC3 TL072 with a Burr Brown OpAmp and the posts intrigued me enough to give it a try. After I removed the top and bottom covers I found to my surprise no less than 8 TL072 OpAmps on the main audio board (IC1 - IC8). I have looked at the schematics...
  17. M

    Triaxis Output Volume Pot Issue

    After much investigation (and parts ordering) I have discovered a couple of things for all you Triaxis/ 2:90 users. The Output volume pot on the Triaxis is indeed a 25k ohm Linear Taper. Why in the world Mesa would engineer it this way is beyond me. The only thing I can think of is they...
  18. M

    Triaxis Output Volume Pot Issue

    Marvell: Do you find that from 1 to 10 the loudness increases in a gradual slope? I want to use "linear" but that is a taper for potentiometers as well as a description of gradual loudness increase. If gradual is indeed the case, then I must have something wrong with the control becasue when...
  19. M

    Triaxis Output Volume Pot Issue

    Wanted to get some ideas on this subject. I run a Triaxis/ 2:90 setup. The Triaxis' output pot has a very limited useful range. From 0 to 1 gain goes from nothing to loud. From 1 to 3 volume goes from Loud to VERY LOUD. From 3 to 10 there is no noticable volume increase. This makes finding...