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  1. D

    Letting someone else do the 2C+ upgrade

    no, no, no he and another guy had been working too hard to get out this schematic :wink: and it's less far to be completed :twisted:
  2. D

    Stupid question about Mark IIc+ potentiometres use

    Hello... well i'm going to make an stupid question of mark ii c+. Ok i'm going to own one of this probably but there's one thing that i don't know about that amp, when my friend which owns mark up gain control he don't have the necesary gain... then he have to up Volume1 but then when he switch...
  3. D

    mark IIIc+ clips?

    how many resistors and capacitors you have to change to update a mark III to mark IIIc+? :o
  4. D

    Thinking of selling my Mark III...

    For a modern sound buy JJ/Tesla 12AX7A in V1, V2 and V3 ^^
  5. D

    for halloween- THE WEREWOLF SONG (mark IIb clip)

    yes! it's good heheeh.
  6. D

    Cleaning Mark III...

    PICTURES!! we want to see it :twisted:
  7. D

    MARK II c+ Grapphic EQ

    hi! I'm here because i need help about mark ii c+ grapphic equalizator. this i what i have, the values that are circled in green are unknown(i need this values, the true values) and i need too,the value of the resistor and capacitor that are in red. thank you all guys!!!
  8. D

    [Mark IV] Another take at Dream Theater's Repentance solo.

    Really good man!! but i listen few high humm, try to reduce it and it will be perfect! excellent playing man! The same as him!
  9. D


    well well, in another forum i started with some people to draw a schem of mark ii c+ from pictures of an original one. can any body help us giving the values that are circled in green? the red values are the values that were wrong in the schem, and now are right, and the values that are black...
  10. D

    Mark II c+ high def. pictures needed

    hey i've got pictures finally, but only remains to get the preamp board pictures. please can anybody who've got a mark ii C+ take pictures in 360 degrees around the preamp board? thank you! my email is in the start of the post.
  11. D

    Two Clips, Please Compare - Mesa Mark III

    second clip obvious, you should detect it :P great
  12. D

    New happy member of the board!

    oh xD i don't have answered the problem of that post xD is another thing of pictures, i need ones :roll: you readed my other post true? :roll:
  13. D

    Mark II c+ high def. pictures needed

    which help? problem is solved, no?
  14. D

    New happy member of the board!

    so this is a great f*cking IIC+ And how it sounds? really killer true? so what happens if its not a really true mark ii c+ with deep or gain boost or anything that wasn't in lasts marks ii c+? :twisted: :twisted: greetings
  15. D

    New happy member of the board!

    Fred you've got a private message :wink: :wink:
  16. D

    Need some IIC+ info help.

    one thing, can anybody take high definition pics of mark ii c+ grapphich eq section? i need to read the capacitors values to, so need high definition... thanks
  17. D

    Mark II c+ high def. pictures needed

    Hi all, i'm new here. i need high definition pictures of the interior of mark ii c+ concretly the grapphic EQ section, well defined, to be visible all tracks and values. i'm going to build a mark ii c+ for personal use and i can't confirm that internet schems are 100% correct and i have some...
  18. D

    mark IIc+ preamp schematic

    HI! I'll build this mark II c+ preamp :P but i don't know if the first schem comparing with the high resolution schem will work fine... my doubt is in the second part, the power part, with only two filter caps are ok? cya