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  1. C

    Odd Occurrence

    Was the problem with the effects loop? I wished I had of seen this last week. The effects loop intermittently causes a loss of volume due to the way the circuit is wired. I had this issue when I first purchased my 5:25. You take a small patch cable and plug it into the send and return jacks...
  2. C

    Mesa Express 5:25 Problems...

    Run a small patch cable between the effect send and return. I had the same problem with my 5:25 and all is good now. Hope this helps.
  3. C

    Xotic BB or BB+ for Express 5:50?

    I use the AC + , and have tried the BB+. I liked both equally but went with the AC+. It stacks better with my OCD.
  4. C

    Express 5:50 I can't get enough power

    I have a 5:25 and even when I am gigging (and I am not mic'd) I never get the gain past 10 o'clock and the master past 9 o'clock. We play modern rock, classic rock, loud rock.... However, we get a bunch of bookings because we are not a "loud" band. Turn it down. You only have one set of...
  5. C

    mesa cab for 5:25/price guide

    I just bought the cab for my 5:25 today. It really brings out the bass in this amp! The amp was starting to sound a little "boxy" to my ears. The cab finished that idea! I just wished I would have bought the cab the day I bought the amp. I don't know how I lived without it. I paid $299...
  6. C

    Mesa Express 5:25

    I bought my 5:25 in April of last year. I live in the city. Carrying a 85lb monstrousity is a thing of the past for me. I wanted something small, portable, and had the tone of mix between a Vox and Fender. I feel the 5:25 has those qualities. It is the easiest pick up and go amp. I can...
  7. C

    My first Mesa/Boogie

    Congrats on the new amp. I own a 5:25 and that thing spanks with my tele! I wanted an amp that would be a combo of a Vox and a Fender. This one has the sound that I was looking for from the beginning. I think I bought it within 5 minutes of trying it out.... I love the warmth the 5:50...
  8. C

    Mesa Express and pedals

    Here we go: Mesa 5:25 MXR EVH Phase 90 Boss CS 3 Compressor Fulltone OCD Xotic AC Booster + Boss EQ Fulltone Choralflange Line 6 DL4 All in front, no noise whatsoever. The OCD stacked with the Xotic into the clean channel is way groovy.
  9. C

    Gretsch guitars and Mesa amps--

    Try this: A Duo Jet with Filtertrons through a Mesa 5:25. AWESOME!
  10. C

    5/50 Express no sound

    Try this first: Take a small patch cable and place in the effects send and return jacks. Leave the patch cable in and turn the amp on. These amps are notorious for doing this. It is how the effects loop is wired in the Express series. It was also the problem with the Studio .22 as well...
  11. C

    OD Pedal for Express 5:50 2x12

    OCD all the way! I also use a Sparkle Drive and a Fulltone 69. Yes I am a dirt junkie....
  12. C

    Anone else have this problem before?

    It is because Mesa designs there amp with a serial effects loop that is an active part of the circuit. Sometimes those contacts become bent, sometimes they get dirty. Contacts that get dirty are NOT design defects but normal wear and tear. Now designing the effects loop as an active part...
  13. C

    Anone else have this problem before?

    Same problem with the 5:25 and my Studio 22. Here is what you do. It is your effects loop. Take a short patch cable and patch the effects send and return together. It will never cut out again. Unless it is another issue. There is a review of the 5:25 in the new Guitarist magazine. They...
  14. C

    Express 5:25 Weight

    The lightest, most portable, versatile amp I have ever, ever owned. I get all the tone out of it that I would have gotten out of any of my 100 lb amps, that I have been breaking my back over for years. Why didn't they build this amp sooner!!!
  15. C

    Express 5:25 or 5:50

    Okay, here I go: I own many, many amps. My main gigger was a 1993 Rivera M-60. Very, very versatile (if not complicated) amp. Best of both worlds, fender cleans, marshall gain. My second backup amp is a Fender Vibrolux Reverb, silverface. Excellent cleans, great headroom. I also own a...
  16. C

    Mesa/Boogie Express 5:25 Impressions so far..

    I have had my 5:25 for two months now. I do use it regularly when I am gigging, rehearsing, and recording. If some of you think this amp is not loud enough in a band setting, then your band is TOO LOUD! This is probably the loudest 30 watts I have ever played. I use it in 5 watt mode...
  17. C

    Delay pedals on an Express

    I use a Line DL4. I run it straight into the front of the 5:25 and have had great results. I sometimes use channel 2, but most of the time I push the clean channel with dirt pedals. It works nicely for me.
  18. C

    Express review in Guitar One Online

    The 5:25 is every bit as full sounding as my Rivera M-60 with a 12 inch JBL. It is very "in your face". I was surprised by how large this little amp sounded. Also, I can do metal with it. I put an OCD on the front end and also drove the crunch channel a bit to get that "tone". You can do...
  19. C

    Express review in Guitar One Online

    I have had a 5:25 for about two weeks now. The demo was good, showing features and all, however the sound quality just did not do the amp justice. The 5:25 definitely is not a metal amp. However, with my OCD I can get pretty close to high gain territory in the clean channel or doubling up...