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  1. F

    Quad preamp- 2 channels at the same time?

    Ok, so I finally had the chance to use the Quad with the rest of my setup (a engl el34poweramp and a 2x12 v30 cab). The Quad is hard to manipulate, because there are so many things to tweak and every little change in setting gives a huge tonal change. Im not used to that but I think it's cool...
  2. F

    Quad preamp- 2 channels at the same time?

    Alright thanx guys. I wanted to buy a midi interface to pilot the quad anyway, so I guess I have no choice now hehe. How does the combination between lead 1 and lead 2 sound? Is it worth it? blues 57: Merci bien de l'info! :wink:
  3. F

    Quad preamp- 2 channels at the same time?

    Hi all! I recently purchased a quad preamp. So far i ve only had the chance to play via the direct recording on my computer so I don't have any idea of the full potential of the thing. One thing that bothers me is: I ve always read that you can play with both channel at the same time. I checked...
  4. F

    Low gain tone from an engl amp!

    Thank you all for the kind words. I haven't tried the e530 but I heard only good thing about it. It's the preamp section of the blackmore head, and it rules! It is probably less versatile than the 570, and doesn't go as far as the 570 in terms of hi gain but I think it should get you close. For...
  5. F

    Low gain tone from an engl amp!

    Hi! The guitar is a washburn N2. I used the direct recording of the preamp, so no cab or poweramp or mic were used. I didn't eq the sound just add some delay. Glad you liked it! :)
  6. F

    Low gain tone from an engl amp!

    And here is another one:
  7. F

    Low gain tone from an engl amp!

    Hi all! Here is a clip of my e570 engl preamp recorded directly on my computer: I wanted to find a cool smooth lead tone à la lukather and gilmour. I think engl amps are more versatile than most people think. Hope you guys will like it! :)
  8. F

    Quad or Mark IV?

    Hi all! So I finally had the chance to try a used mark IV combo and a used triaxis. Well All i can say is I was kinda dissapointed by the mark. I used a 4x12 v30 and used the combo as a head but still I could'nt find anything really good... Even the clean seemed somewhat dull and lifeless... I...
  9. F

    Quad or Mark IV?

    Thanx a lot for all the answers everyone! :D I d like to try both of them, but it's very rare to see them where I live (south France) so I can only trust what I hear on recordings and what most people will tell me about them... Basically from what I understand the quad has a slightly smoother...
  10. F

    Quad or Mark IV?

    Thanx for the advice. From what I ve read, the mark IV seems to have that super tight sound a la engl, but with a sweeter, richer high end and a bit more body. Actually, my main reference as far as lead sound goes is petrucci sound before train of thought album. I know he used a lot the mark IV...
  11. F

    Quad or Mark IV?

    Hi all!! I m a new one here! :) I currently play on an engl rack system with a e570 preamp and a 920 engl poweramp(el34). The sound is very good but lacks a little bit of warmth and smoothness. So I decided to put the preamp on sale and I m searching for something else and mesa amps are...