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  1. L

    Wanna better sound with the tri-axis?

    You're right that I was a bit condescending. Sometimes people are condescending when they argue about (relatively) meaningless stuff on the internet. I bet you are sometimes too. :) Resistance is important in speaker cables, which is why I said resistance originally. Usually this debate comes...
  2. L

    Wanna better sound with the tri-axis?

    I'm not arguing with you, Martin. You've made up your mind based on your own observations, and that's exactly what I think people should do. I was just replying to Eltrain's assertion that I'm just spouting some half-understood nonsense that I read somewhere to make myself sound knowledgable. In...
  3. L

    Wanna better sound with the tri-axis?

    I guess this is a shot at me (?) but none of my posts in this thread have been half-understood regurgitation of anything. Most of the facts I have put forth come from discussions I've had with 4 friends who have electrical engineering degrees and are musicians (2 of them audiophiles and...
  4. L

    Wanna better sound with the tri-axis?

    Take a multimeter with you and measure for yourself. You can get one for cheap at Radioshack or online.
  5. L

    Wanna better sound with the tri-axis?

    Hey, I apologize if I came off as having an attitude. This cable thing is something that does annoy me, but it's definitely pretty trivial and I'm not calling you an idiot or anything. It's tough to get tone across over the internet, especially when you are disagreeing with someone. In real...
  6. L

    Wanna better sound with the tri-axis?

    I want to be civil, because this is a pretty trivial topic to be arguing about. So I guess I'll have to pull that old standby annoying move and say that we'll have to agree to disagree. Most of your points are lifted from cable advertising, I'm afraid. Skin effect, for instance, is irrelevent...
  7. L

    Wanna better sound with the tri-axis?

    Please spare me this condescending "golden ears" BS. I didn't say that all cables are the same; I said the following: 1. Higher capacitance equals more treble rolloff. 2. Capacitance is not at all related to how expensive a cable is. A cheap cable is as likely to have low capacitance as an...
  8. L

    Wanna better sound with the tri-axis?

    But, see, I don't care whether there is some minute difference, because I have extensive graphic EQ ability. If I ever find myself wanting for some high frequencies, I can make that happen, so it's irrelevent to me. It is relevent, however, to people who publish stereophile magazines, and to...
  9. L

    Wanna better sound with the tri-axis?

    I have a bunch of different cables, some the regular black and blue ones from guitar center, some Planet Waves which I got for free. I don't notice a difference in any of them, but I have never done a side by side comparison because I don't think it's relevent. If I had no tone controls on my...
  10. L

    Wanna better sound with the tri-axis?

    No, I'm not saying there is no difference between cables. I'm saying the only factor is capacitance*, and capacitance can't be tied to how much cables cost. Some cheap cables will have higher capacitance than $1000 cables. I saw a test once which showed that a wire hanger outperformed all other...
  11. L

    Wanna better sound with the tri-axis?

    Resistance is not the same thing as impedance. Sadly, you are misinformed. I have spoken to about 5 electrical engineers on the subject of high end cables, and every one of them has confirmed that physics proves unequivocally that it is a lie. I don't believe "hearing is believing" because you...
  12. L

    Wanna better sound with the tri-axis?

    This is something that is constantly being debated, but the short answer is that the whole high-end cable thing is a lie. The only thing that matters in a cable is capacitance. The most f-ing ludicrous thing is the "jazz" cables made by Monster specifically tailored to jazz guitar. :roll:
  13. L

    Modding a Quad for stereo?

    No, that would not work at all for my purposes. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  14. L

    How's the reverb in the Studio preamp?

    I am a big fan of spring reverb. I love the "smeared", iconic spring sound. Reading the manual for the studio, Mesa make it sound as if they've tried to engineer out all the springy qualities. So my question is: how successful were they? I don't want a spring reverb that sounds like digital...
  15. L

    Modding a Quad for stereo?

  16. L

    Modding a Quad for stereo?

    Eh, ok? Not sure why that's relevent. If you mean, "why not just get the Mark II?" Bass players need much more power than guitarists to reproduce low frequencies with the same perceived loudness. I have a 1600 watt power amp, which works very well and weighs only 21 lbs, so I would rather pair...
  17. L

    Modding a Quad for stereo?

    No, actually I want to use a stereo signal from my audio interface, which will sometimes be used for stereo keyboard sounds (B3 model with Leslie simulator), computer music, etc, as well as bass. So going after the preamp would be of no use. I basically want to replace my Tube works stereo tube...
  18. L

    Modding a Quad for stereo?

    Well, if it were relatively simple and/or cheap, I think it would be obvious why it would be preferable to have a stereo quad rather than 2 studios (1 Quad is cheaper than 2 studios and takes up one less rack space). But I guess it isn't.
  19. L

    Modding a Quad for stereo?

    Would it be possible to modify a Quad preamp with 2 inputs, one for each channel? I'm sure it's possible, so really what I'm wondering is whether it would be a reasonable undertaking (that is, DIY-able or at least cheap for a tech to do). I know it has stereo returns for the effects loop; that's...