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  1. J

    Why Does My 97 Dual Rec's Clean Channel Have More Bass...

    ...than my gain channel?!? is this normal?!? but it is definitely noticably more bassy on the clean channel. thanks.
  2. J

    PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! Anyone ever heard of this problem?!?

    1st off thanks. i knew the pre amp tubes didn't have to be matched. just so i have it right tho, tap the pre amp tubes with the wood side of the pencil w/ full power on & stand by off, correct?!? thanks you so much guys!!!
  3. J

    PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! Anyone ever heard of this problem?!?

    i assume with the same pencil trick as the power tubes?!? thanks
  4. J

    PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! Anyone ever heard of this problem?!?

    i definitely thought it could be the tubes, but i have just never actually heard an amp make that sound. what would happen if i replace a single tube, won't it be unmatched?!? thanks so much for your help!
  5. J

    PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! Anyone ever heard of this problem?!?

    i have a 97 mesa dual rec 2 channel. tonite it started "whistling", only stopping when the stand by is on. when i changed the rectifier setting from diode to tubes, it reduces the sound significantly but it is still slightly there. it's almost like a kettle whistle but not quite as high pitched...
  6. J

    Rectos aren't tight? bullshit

    that breakdown is sick. that drummer is very good.
  7. J

    What Power Transformers Do Bad Cat, Bogner & others use?

    help, anyone?!?
  8. J

    What Power Transformers Do Bad Cat, Bogner & others use?

    any idea. i can't get any info from their sites. thanks
  9. J

    Suggestions for Tubes: 90's Dual Rec

    can anyone else help?!?
  10. J

    Suggestions for Tubes: 90's Dual Rec

    how bad are the implications of that?
  11. J

    Suggestions for Tubes: 90's Dual Rec

    yes. oops, should of stated that. thanks.
  12. J


    you rock. thanks
  13. J

    Suggestions for Tubes: 90's Dual Rec

    ive never been SUPER picky about tubes before, but now that i own a 2 channel dual rec, i want it to sound as good as possible. right now i have mesa EL34's & it's not heavy enuf for me. it's just not grabbing me. but the tubes could be a year more, who knows. that said i like the tone a lot...
  14. J


    awesome. can you hook me up w/ links for eurotubes & doug's please?!? thanks.
  15. J

    wrong bias setting on a dual rec... PLEASE HELP

    get off the high horse. i was using ge 6L6's that were matched pairs, & it ended up sounding great. and it's not disrespect toward my gear if it was an honest mistake.
  16. J

    wrong bias setting on a dual rec... PLEASE HELP

    great idea. i appeciate the suggestion. how much does a bias meter run?!? im gonna assume it can be purchased at most decent electronics stores, such as radioshack. thanks.
  17. J

    wrong bias setting on a dual rec... PLEASE HELP

    nothing blew. and the 6L6's were definitely old, like from the late 60's probably & well used. thanks for putting my mind at ease Siggy.
  18. J

    wrong bias setting on a dual rec... PLEASE HELP

    what are the effects on the amp when this happens?!? i had 6L6's & somehow i THINK i failed to have it on the right bias setting. what does that do to your amp?!? thanks
  19. J

    the Best Transformer for my 94 Dual Rec - think Converge.

    so is there a great transformer for about 250 or so that i could put in my dual rec?!? i like a really heavy sound. i love Kurt Ballou's tone from Converge. as well as Nate Newton's from Doom Riders. any ideas how to get a nice thick distortion in that realm?!?
  20. J

    Mercury Magnetics OT in a Rectifier

    this makes me want to possibly do the same thing w/ my 2 chan recto.