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  1. B

    help deciding on a new guitar!

    very good decision, I had a c-1 elite w/ my mesa at one point and i couldn't stand it. I have never played a schecter custom shop or anything else that was remotely quality. They just seem to me as one of those companies that try to make their guitars look as good as possible without taking...
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    Guitar dead spot question

    Thanks a lot for the info guys. So the chances are it's not something too serious? I'll take it to a tech tomorrow to get a full setup, hopefully thatll take care of it.
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    Guitar dead spot question

    I have a guitar that the first 5 frets on the high E string are dead. Ive raised the bridge and it went away, but I still would like the action low. The rest of the guitar plays perfect, its just those 5 notes that are dead. Does anyone know what might cause this? TIA.
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    Dual Rec popping

    russ, it pops just at random times. Yesterday I had the amp on and the guitar sitting with the volume off and it would pop. generally its a small pop or 2 every 20 minutes or so.
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    Dual Rec popping

    Thanks, I went to the guitar store and told them my issue. The tech there told me that he would have to charge $60 an hour on top of parts to find out what was wrong. He recommended that I just buy one gt12ax7m and try to find the one tube that is probably causing the issue. What do you think...
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    Dual Rec popping

    Are the preamp tubes something I can just pickup at any music store, or are they special mesa tubes that I have to go to a mesa dealer for? thanks.
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    Dual Rec popping

    Hey guys, I finally took the dive and picked up a 2 channel dual rec head a couple months back and while it was on a couple days ago I heard a pretty loud pop. Afterwards it sounded fine, but every once and a while it lightly pops. Is this a tube issue im assuming? if so how do I correct it, TIA.
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    new Subcutane-Song up for your criticism

    The music is well played and mixed, but your singer sounds like the cookie monster.
  9. B

    WTB: 2 channel dual rec

    Looking for a 2 channel dual rec head, must be able to ship to texas. Also looking for a 4x12 cab if the prices are right. thanks.
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    Mesa Newb Questions

    Thanks for the breakdown Elpelotero. By what you said I think i'll go with the dual rec. Although id like to speedriff everyonceandawhile when i get bored I dont think it would be a necessity. I'll be posting a WTB in the classifieds section here in a sec if anyone on here wants to unload...
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    Mesa Newb Questions

    I've always liked my sound to be somewhere around the realm of a disturbed/godsmack/metallica. I rarely use the clean channel on my marshall right now, but it would be nice to have nice cleans just in case. It will be use both live and in my music room at home. Im probably looking for a used...
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    Mesa Newb Questions

    Thanks, would that be a two channel solo or tremoverb dual rec? is there any specific tubes that I should look or stay away from? TIA
  13. B

    Mesa Newb Questions

    Hey everyone i'm a newb to this forum and to mesa amps in general. Currently i'm shopping for a new halfstack and have tested a few mesa's in the past and was quite pleased with the sound. The problem i'm experiencing is that im not sure which head to go with. I've played a dual rec and...