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  1. S

    Show me your rack!

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    Formula Preamp

    For any of you guys who have played the Formula Pre: Do you think that it could cover Andy Timmons type tones? I've got a chance to pick one up for a good price, and I'd like to get those types of tones from it. I know that he uses the Lonestar, but I would rather keep my rig in a rack. SO...
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    Anyone Using a G-major to channel swich on the Mark IV?

    I used a G*Major to switch between the Clean and Lead channels on my Mark IV. That's really about all you can to with the G*Major.
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    Mark IV Sound Clips

    For these clips it's amp only. I'll include my settings below. The key to R2 is deciding how you want your R1 to sound. You can make either channel sound great, but you will have to compromise the other one.
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    Mark IV Sound Clips

    Yeah, they're old. However, I wanted to show people that this is also a great rock amp, and not just a "metal machine."
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    Mark IV Sound Clips

    been away for awhile. I finally got my Mark IV sound clips back up and running. if your interested here ya go:
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    Prices on used 2:100 Ractifier Power amps

    between $400 - -$600, depending on condition.
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    rack tuner through the effects loop?

    I run my tunner from the record out on my Triaxis. That way it gets fed with a dead end signal.
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    Mesa studio tone question

    Get a good tube power amp. The 50/50 or a good used Peavey Classic 60/60 will work fine. Loose the pedal EQ and Sansamp. Get either a good ol TS-9 or a Duncan pickup booster. The Studio has more than enough gain to get down right evil metal tones. You just have to understand how the...
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    Studio Pre - 50/50 Do I have to run stereo?

    According to Boogie, if you only want to use one side of the poweramp, turn the channel volume from the channel that you don't want to use all the way to "0" and thrun the presence control all the way up "10." This should safely let you use just one side of your power amp. Personally, I'd wire...
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    help with triaxis distorted tone

    We play a few songs where I use a guitar tuned to Drop B (our bassist uses a 5-string ) When I use this guitar, my setting look like this- Lead 2 Red Gain- 7.0 treb- 7.5 mids- 3.5 bass- 2.0 (3.0 max!) ld2 drive- 7.0 mst vol- 4.5 pres- 3.5 (4.0) dv- 6.0 Deep- 0n Modern - On This should give...
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    Who uses LEAD 1 RED?

    I use it for a song or two, but those patches are pretty wet with effects. I use the stock boogie tubes.
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    My completed rig!

    Great looking rack! Nice wire job as well. I best she sounds sweet.
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    Updated rig pic

    In action...
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    Triaxis/2:90 rig will be smoking in Houston this Friday

    I'm gonna show Reb the powers of Mesa... Of course then he's gonna hand me my ***... but it'll be fun none the less... Come out if you can.
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    Triaxis Question

    I want to sat that it was a CR2032. But I'll check in thr morning when I go out to my truck- where the old battery is.
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    Triaxis Question

    I was able to change it out. I refuse to ship this thing back to Mesa for a $5 part change. You just have to be careful when moving the circuit boards around to get to it. I'd say the whole process took about ten minutes.
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    Triaxis 2

    I'd like to see them do away with the DV and give you complete control over the graphic EQ. I'd be happy to give up a rack space for that. This is a quick throw together.
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    Triaxis Versions??

    I've been able to get some nice heavy tones from my triaxis (2.0 w/Fat Mod). I think that the 2:90 helps with the different modes. Now for Uber heavy tones, I use the Parametric EQ on my G-Major. I'd say that for 90% of the tones I look for, I don't need any external EQ. By the way, my DV...