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  1. N

    Love the raw tone, but need some help dialing it in...

    So, last week, I got a hold of a roadster. First of all, this amp is just a blast. I love playing with it but, I am having a small issue with it. I am trying to tighten up the distortion and having little success. The type of stuff that I play is Nevermore/Mystic Prophecy so, it is a lot of...
  2. N

    Post your Rig!

    Current @ Home Setup. Have a oversized recto @ practice space. -Nate
  3. N

    So I went to GC yesterday to buy a Roadster....

    AsIAm666, Just thought I would let you know that my dealer is getting a shipment of Roadsters in tomorrow. So, keep on ragging on GC for your amp. -Nate
  4. N

    Information Overload... New Roadster user and questions.

    Uhmm.... heheh sound advise... I pretty much got everything I need to do a whole lot of experimentation. (TC Electronics GMajor, Digitech 2101, Rane PE-15, PODXT Pro) I think I will take your advise and chill and not worry about being complete as soon as the stuff comes in. You would be...
  5. N

    Information Overload... New Roadster user and questions.

    Ok, First of all. I will admit that I am a complete Tube noob. I have been playing solid state for the past 20+ years. I have used Crate, a 2101 rack (That has a tube =) ), Line 6 Vetta and POD lines. Well, it is pretty much cut and dry in those arena's. Things are as they seem and there...
  6. N

    So I went to GC yesterday to buy a Roadster....

    Oh yeah... I am really looking forward to it. My neighbors are going to love me =) You will have you Roadster soon also. They build to fill all orders from what I understand. -Nate
  7. N

    So I went to GC yesterday to buy a Roadster....

    AsIAm666, Just to let you know. I am also waiting for my Roadster head. I have one on order that has been on order for the past 2 1/2 months and what these guys are saying is right. They do build one amp line at a time. From what I understand, as of 1 week ago, they were just wrapping up a...